Materialist Readings of Children’s Literature and Culture:
Classic and Contemporary Essays
Call for papers for an edited collection tentatively titled Materialist Readings of Children’s Literature and Culture: Classic and Contemporary Essays. This collection will consist primarily of new analyses, but will also include previously published essays in order to chart the development of materialist criticism of children’s and young adult literature, culture, and film. The aim of the collection is to demonstrate the significance of historical materialist approaches to children's literature and culture (i.e. Marx, Lukacs, Williams, Eagleton, Jameson, Ariel Dorfman, Jack Zipes, Ian Wojick Andrews, Gayatri Spivak, etc.).
Topics may include but are not limited to the following:
• the way in which children’s literature supports or, conversely, challenges class hierarchies, especially as they intersect with gender, sexuality, and race/ethnicity
• the “political unconscious” in works of children’s literature
• cognitive mapping
• class conflict in children’s literature and film
• depictions of the working class, labor history, socialism, and revolution
• children’s literature and the left
• materialist-feminist criticism and children’s literature and culture
• materialist analyses of post-colonial children’s literature and culture
• the political economy of children’s literature and culture
Please direct inquiries and submissions to the editor, Dr. Angela Hubler, at ahubler@ksu.edu. 500 word abstracts, brief biography, and short C.V. are due by September 18th, 2011. Complete essays must be submitted as an attachment in Microsoft Word, following MLA guidelines for citation and format, by November 18th, 2011. A potential publisher has expressed interest, and a proposal will be submitted after abstracts are received.
Editor Angela Hubler is Associate Professor in Women’s Studies at Kansas State University, where she teaches courses in feminist theory, female adolescence, and women’s writing and culture. Her recent publications analyze literary representations of collective political action in literature for children and adults. Her essays have been published in The Lion and the Unicorn, Children’s Literature Association Quarterly, Critical Survey, Papers on Language and Literature, Women’s Studies Quarterly, the National Women’s Studies Association Journal, and edited collections.
Angela Hubler Associate Professor Women's Studies Program Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506 (785)537-9008 (home phone--on sabbatical 2010-11 academic year)
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