Emily Moore directs your attention to this worthy project....
Goats For Kids is a literacy project led by students at San Diego State University. Its aim is to establish a school lunch program for children at Mnyakongo Primary School in Kongwa, Tanzania.
At present the youngest children at the school often have to walk long distances to school and back. Without a school lunch program their school day is necessarily very short. By establishing a school lunch program pupils will be able to receive a full day of schooling. This initiative directly addresses the Millennium Goals of the United Nations – in particular the goal that aims to “ensure that by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling.”
After consultation with the Headteacher at Mnyakongo Primary School, Ms. Angelina Munduli, a sustainable solution to the lunch program took shape; a nutritious maize meal porridge served with fresh milk would suffice. In order to obtain fresh milk on a daily basis a small herd of milk goats would be kept on the school grounds. The cost of a single milk goat in Tanzania is approximately $50. We intend, with vigorous fundraising, to not only achieve our goal for Mnyakongo Primary School but to expand the project to assist other schools in the region.
SDSU students will travel to the school in Kongwa, Tanzania for two weeks in June 2011 to purchase goats and set up the project. Goats For Kids is an innovative self-sustaining literacy project initiated by San Diego State University students and supported and sponsored by the students of Phi Kappa Phi, the University Honors Program, Mortar Board, and Scholars Without Borders.
Funds are currently being raised for this project. A book drive, in association with Better World Books, is a means for the campus to recycle unwanted books of all kinds at the same time contributing to a project that will directly assist the education of children in Africa. If you have any books you can donate including unwanted newer (1998 onwards) textbooks, hardcover fiction and non-fiction, dictionaries and thesauruses, mass market paperbacks in good condition etc. please contact plarlham@mail.sdsu.edu.
It is time to get rid of those unwanted books anyway, so why not use them productively … to educate children in Africa?
Dr. Peter Larlham
Professor, School of Theatre, Television, and Film,
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