I would like to inform you about a new publication Aktuell nordisk barnlitteraturforskning/Current Nordic Children's Literature Research.
The Publication is a special issue containing papers presented at the Nordic Research Conference held in Stockholm at the Swedish Institute for Children’s Books in 2010. It has been prepared in cooperation with the Institutes for Children’s Books in all the Nordic countries and are being published simultaneously in the Nordic Journals Barnboken – Journal of Children's Literature Research (2011:1, volume 34), Nedslag i børnelitteraturforskningen and as open access at www.sbi.kb.se/barnboken and BLFT. Barnelitterært forskningstidsskrift/Nordic Journal of ChildLit Aesthetics (Vol 2, 2011) www.childlitaesthetics.net.
The publication contains 17 papers. The articles are written in Danish (1), English (1), Norwegian (5) and Swedish (10). Abstracts in English.
The printed edition can be ordered from the Institutes in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Contact information below. Subscribers to Barnboken will receive a printed copy within the subscription price.
This special issue has received financial support from Vetenskapsrådet (The Swedish Research Council) and Nordisk kulturfond (The Nordic Culture Fund).
Yours Sincerely
Lillemor Torstensson
Editor, Barnboken, The Swedish Institute for Children’s Books
+46(0)8 54 54 20 51, lillemor.torstensson@sbi.kb.se
Nina Christensen, director, The Center for Children’s Literature
tel. + 45 8888 9375, e-post: nc@dpu.dk (Denmark)
Maria Ihonen, director, The Finnish Institute for Children's Literature
tel. +358 3 3141 8411, e-post: maria.ihonen@lastenkirjainstituutti.fi
Kristin Ørjasæter, director, The Norwegian Institute of Children’s Books
tel. +47 23 27 63 62, e-post: kristin.orjasater@barnebokinstituttet.no
Jan Hansson, director, The Swedish Institute for Children’s Books
tel +46(0)8 54 54 20 55, jan.hansson@sbi.kb.se
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