SDSU's resident children's poetry expert Professor Joseph Thomas was recently interviewed for (and extensively quoted in) The Mini Page (a supplement added to countless newspapers) in their special issue on children's poetry (remember that April is Poetry Month). The issue appeared across the country last week. In addition to speaking about playground rhymes, Shel Silverstein, visual poetries, and other topics, Thomas raved about the work of children's poet (and Lion & the Unicorn Poetry Award Winner) JonArno Lawson, whose work was was featured on The Mini Page. "Lawson," Thomas reports, "is an up-and-coming poet definitely worth keeping one's eyes on." We'd link to a copy of the special poetry issue of the Mini Page, but Joseph took a blood oath not to make public the pdf they sent him. However, if you'd like a look, Joseph has offered to print you out a copy. He can be reached at jtthomas@mail.sdsu.edu
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