New issue of Barnboken – Journal of Children’s Literature research
The theme of the current issue is nature in children’s and young peoples literature.
All articles are available at www.sbi.kb.se/barnboken and in print.
Inledning/Preface av Janina Orlov, PhD (SWE)
Väderkontraktet: plats, miljörättvisa och eskatologi i Astrid Lindgrens Vi på Saltkråkan [The weather contract: place, environmental justice and escathology in Astrid Lindgrens Vi på Saltkråkan (Seacrow Island)]
Pia Maria Ahlbäck (SWE)
“The pale trees shook, although no wind blew, and it seemed to Tristran that they shook in anger”: “blind space” and ecofeminism in a post-colonial reading of Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess’s graphic novel Stardust (1998)
Alice Curry (ENG)
Confronting ecological futures: global environmental crises in contemporary survival quests for young adults
Yvonne Hammer (ENG)
Frigjord oskuld: heterosexuellt mognadsimperativ i svensk ungdomsroman / Mia Franck
Recensent: Kristina Fjelkestam (SWE)
Inga gåbortsföremål: lekfull litteratur och vidgad kulturdebatt i 1960- och 70-talens Sverige / Lena Kåreland
Recensent: Sara Kärrholm (SWE)
Forthcoming 2011
The first issue of Barnboken 2011 will be a conference issue containing 15-20 papers presented at the Nordic Research Conference held in Stockholm at the Swedish Institute for Children’s Books in April 2010. The title of this special issue will be Aktuell nordisk barnlitteraturforskning (Current Nordic children's literature research). It is being prepared in cooperation with the Institutes for Children’s Books in all the Nordic countries and will be published in February.
Information, questions, orders please contact
Lillemor Torstensson
Lillemor TorstenssonInformation Officer, Editor
The Swedish Institute for Children's Books, Odengatan 61, SE-113 22 Stockholm tel +46 8-54 54 20 51,mobile +46 704 80 49 94, lillemor.torstensson@sbi.kb.se
http://www.sbi.kb.se/Give environment a thought before printing this e-mail
The theme of the current issue is nature in children’s and young peoples literature.
All articles are available at www.sbi.kb.se/barnboken and in print.
Inledning/Preface av Janina Orlov, PhD (SWE)
Väderkontraktet: plats, miljörättvisa och eskatologi i Astrid Lindgrens Vi på Saltkråkan [The weather contract: place, environmental justice and escathology in Astrid Lindgrens Vi på Saltkråkan (Seacrow Island)]
Pia Maria Ahlbäck (SWE)
“The pale trees shook, although no wind blew, and it seemed to Tristran that they shook in anger”: “blind space” and ecofeminism in a post-colonial reading of Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess’s graphic novel Stardust (1998)
Alice Curry (ENG)
Confronting ecological futures: global environmental crises in contemporary survival quests for young adults
Yvonne Hammer (ENG)
Frigjord oskuld: heterosexuellt mognadsimperativ i svensk ungdomsroman / Mia Franck
Recensent: Kristina Fjelkestam (SWE)
Inga gåbortsföremål: lekfull litteratur och vidgad kulturdebatt i 1960- och 70-talens Sverige / Lena Kåreland
Recensent: Sara Kärrholm (SWE)
Forthcoming 2011
The first issue of Barnboken 2011 will be a conference issue containing 15-20 papers presented at the Nordic Research Conference held in Stockholm at the Swedish Institute for Children’s Books in April 2010. The title of this special issue will be Aktuell nordisk barnlitteraturforskning (Current Nordic children's literature research). It is being prepared in cooperation with the Institutes for Children’s Books in all the Nordic countries and will be published in February.
Information, questions, orders please contact
Lillemor Torstensson
Lillemor TorstenssonInformation Officer, Editor
The Swedish Institute for Children's Books, Odengatan 61, SE-113 22 Stockholm tel +46 8-54 54 20 51,mobile +46 704 80 49 94, lillemor.torstensson@sbi.kb.se
http://www.sbi.kb.se/Give environment a thought before printing this e-mail
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