Myths and Fairy Tales in Film and Literature post-1900
A two-day international conference
Friday 25th - Saturday 26th March 2011
(NB: adjusted dates since first cfp issued)
Hosted by the Film and Literature Programme of the University of York's Department of English and Related Literature in association with The Centre for Modern Studies
Call for Papers
This forthcoming international conference invites renewed reflection on fundamental, inherited tales as these have found self-reinventing expression in film and literature post-1900. It seeks to interrogate the dramatic, poetic and visual character of culturally core stories (fairy/mythic/classical/religious/Shakespearean etc), the formal operations and cultural force of their variant tellings (and showings) across media and moment, and the ways in which their psychological, social, political and aesthetic functions have been interpreted and employed.
Confirmed keynote speakers:
Professor Marina Warner, Professor Ian Christie, Dr Diane Purkiss
Abstracts are solicited for individual 20-minute papers on the theme of the conference (interpreted in literary or film terms, or both). Proposals of pre-constituted panels (composed of two or three 20-minute papers) are also welcome.
Questions informing case studies might include (without being limited to):
Why do some stories endure across multiple retellings while others fall into neglect?
What primal impulses are encoded, fears expressed or defused and/or desires satisfied in those that resurface repeatedly in altered guises?
Which narrative elements and characters have proved largely stable across time and place, apparently immune to cultural disruption, and which have been gently or radically adjusted in response to other cultural-historical forces?
How have particular post-1900 literary and screen engagements with culturally embedded stories appropriated, revivified and disseminated those inherited tales in distinctive and culturally illuminating ways?
How have the behavioural models promoted, social imperatives implied, modes of telling adopted and artistic allegiances embraced in the ongoing lives of particular tales been revised over time to fit new circumstances, new audiences and/or new media?
How have theories of transmission, narrative endurance and narrative change accounted for the culturally revealing reinventions of various fundamental story pools?
Which theories of narrative transmission, inter-medial adaptation and/or inter-textuality can illuminate the ongoing life of a story most tellingly? (And, perhaps, which have proved interpretively diversionary or limiting?)
Panels have thus far been suggested on the following themes (subject to accepted abstracts): classical subjects, scriptural/religious subjects, Shakespearean subjects, revisionism, fairy tales for children, fairy tales for adults, anti-tales, the transculturing of inherited myths. Contributors are welcome to submit with these proposed panels in mind, or in any other field that speaks to the theme of the conference.
Abstracts of not more than 250 words should be submitted, not by attachment but within the body of the email, to:
Deadline for receipt of abstracts: Tuesday 21st December 2010.
A brief personal biog-sketch (not more than 100 words) including institutional affiliation, current appointment/stage of study, principal publication(s) (where applicable) and main research interests, should be included in the same email. All submissions will be responded to, and all contributors notified, by Friday 7th January 2011.
Registration details and downloadable form at: enquiries:
Conference chair:
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