October 4th, 2017. A clear, sunny sky overlooked SDSU and the Storm Hall building where the Children’s Literature Roundtable discussion was about to take place. Available seats dwindled to standing room, and a few souls even braved sitting on the floor to see the discussion on the current state of Children’s Literature as presented by four eminent professionals of the field (in order of their presentations): Professors Mary Galbraith, Phillip Serrato, Angel D. Matos, and Joseph T. Thomas Jr.

Next to follow was Professor
Serrato, whose research interests tend to revolve around identity, sex, and
gender in Children’s Literature. His current research project focuses on
children’s gothic literature and media, titled Queer Possibilities: Pleasure, Power, and Identity in Children’s Gothic
Literature and Media. The book will focus on how “queerness functions in
multifarious forms in children’s gothic literature” with the intent of trying
to “unhook queerness from sexuality by conceptualizing and deploying it more
broadly in terms of strangeness, non-normativity, unconventionality, and
illegibility”. The ultimate goal of the project is to “suggest queerness in and
the queerness of Children’s Gothic speaks to the challenges of being and
creating and being created in the twenty-first century.”

Last but not least, Director of the
Children’s Literature Program at SDSU, Professor Thomas’s research revolves
around “the avant-garde, poetry, children’s poetry” and is interested in “how
something is determined to be aesthetically beautiful when it comes to
Children’s Literature.” He opens his presentation addressing the neglecting of
aesthetics in Children’s Literature and how that neglect stems from the
“contemporary understanding of the discipline of Children’s Literature itself.”
He continues by saying that even when Children’s Literature became a purely
literary study, it was “shaped in a theoretical milieu suspicious of objective
claims of aesthetic value--suspicious, even, of the
unproblematic category of literature itself” and that “while the discipline
does engage with aesthetic debate, these debates are rarely put in terms of
aesthetics.” This lead to the discussion of his article ‘Apologia,’ that he
wrote in conjunction with fellow scholar Michael Joseph about the qualities
required for a reader to “experience the ontological weight of art,” and the
dialogue between Jerry Griswold and Kenneth Kidd that discussed the growing
field of Children’s Literature and its progressive focus on Cultural Studies as
a tension among the discipline.
With that, the lightning talks ended to applause, and the floor was open to questions. Linda Salem, a librarian at the SDSU library and curator of the Edward Gorey Collection, asked Professor Galbraith to clarify her point about literature that refrains from doing things. Professor Galbraith then discussed the idea of “aesthetics that are grounded in Children’s Literature, beginning with Children’s Literature.” This sparked a debate amongst the professors about the nature of audience and Children’s Literature, especially the focus of those who study Children’s Literature, such as Professor Serrato being in interested in it as “an art, a medium for critique or aesthetic exploration.” The conversation emphasized the fact that there needs to be multiple perspectives taken into account when considering the audience of Children’s Literature, and that, if anything, the discipline is still full of productive tensions, to borrow Professor Thomas’s words.
With that, the lightning talks ended to applause, and the floor was open to questions. Linda Salem, a librarian at the SDSU library and curator of the Edward Gorey Collection, asked Professor Galbraith to clarify her point about literature that refrains from doing things. Professor Galbraith then discussed the idea of “aesthetics that are grounded in Children’s Literature, beginning with Children’s Literature.” This sparked a debate amongst the professors about the nature of audience and Children’s Literature, especially the focus of those who study Children’s Literature, such as Professor Serrato being in interested in it as “an art, a medium for critique or aesthetic exploration.” The conversation emphasized the fact that there needs to be multiple perspectives taken into account when considering the audience of Children’s Literature, and that, if anything, the discipline is still full of productive tensions, to borrow Professor Thomas’s words.
considerable amount of the questions revolved around Fan-Fiction, another area
Dr. Matos researches, and it soon dominated the conversation. The discussion
ranged from the tensions of fan-fic audience and fan-fic authorship, the
capitalistic impulses of Fan-Fiction as a genre, to the eventual aesthetic of
material texts that is lost in Fan-Fiction, which in turn transitioned into a
conversation about book packaging and how it plays into the book-buying market.
Interestingly enough, it once again led back into a conversation about
aesthetics to online communities, the roundtable talk emphasized the liveliness
and wide-reaching presence of the Children’s Literature field. The four
scholars presenting exemplified how much the field is growing and how much it
has to offer those interested in the subject matter—and maybe sparked a moment
of thoughtfulness in those that didn’t think they would be! We all left the
talk continuing the discussions as we walked back out into the San Diego sun
with newfound knowledge and appreciation for an interesting and diverse field
of study.
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