Dean''s Office in the College of Arts and Letters, 319 Linton Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824
Two Tenure System Associate or Full Professors [13735]
College of Arts and Letters
Center for Applied Inclusive Teaching and Learning in Arts and Humanities
Two Tenure System Associate or Full Professors
Background: The College of Arts and Letters at Michigan State University introduces an initiative designed to address pressing societal needs for fostering the advancement of teaching in K-U settings. CAITLAH, the Center for Applied Inclusive Teaching and Learning in Arts and Humanities, will provide a hub for the promotion of a core mission in the college: developing excellence in teaching and learning for our faculty, graduate students, and K-12 teacher candidates and teachers in the arts and humanities. The mission includes bringing together faculty who are committed to best practices in teaching and learning, several new faculty hires, and graduate students.
Position and Responsibilities: The College of Arts and Letters seeks two tenure-system faculty whose assignments would include 25% time within CAITLAH and 75% teaching pre-service English education students and graduate students in the Critical Studies in Literacy and Pedagogy track of the Rhetoric and Writing graduate program. The new hires will be tasked with organizing, synthesizing, and leading various efforts at imagining better, more inclusive teaching across schools, communities, and disciplines.
Qualifications: Applicants expected to hold a PhD or equivalent in a field relevant to the expected job duties, and possess strengths in at least two of the following areas:
• Teacher training in inclusive teaching, culturally-relevant pedagogies, and the discourses of wider society and local communities
• Teaching/learning with technologies, multimodal literacies, and multiple approaches to texts and interpretation of texts
• Scholarship on writing and reading pedagogies, teacher research, training and education, or English education
• Scholarship in teaching and learning of literature and interpretation, with preference for pedagogical training and experience in the teaching of African-American literature in middle school and/or high school
• Scholarship in the teaching and learning of theoretical, cognitive, and/or semiotic approaches to textual analysis
• K-12 teacher training in discourse studies, anthropological linguistics, narrative studies, and sociolinguistics,
• K-12 teacher training in heritage language learning, ELL, ESL and/or L2 pedagogies.
Salary: Competitive and commensurate with qualifications
Procedures: Please send a statement of interest and c.v. to CAITLAH Search Committee Chair, c/o Jo-Ann Vanden Bergh, College of Arts and Letters in 320 Linton Hall, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 48824. Ellen Cushman, the chair of the search committee, is available to answer any questions related to this search and can be reached at (517) 355-2400 or cushmane@msu.edu.
Deadlines: Due date for receipt of applications is November 15, 2010, though the search will remain open until the positions are filled. For more info, go online to: info.cal.msu.edu
MSU is committed to achieving excellence through cultural diversity. The university actively encourages applications and/or nominations of women, persons of color, veterans and persons with disabilities.
MSU is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.
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