Deadline: November 1st, 2010
Religion and Children’s Literature: A Decennial Examination
In both 1989 and 1999 the Children’s Literature Association Quarterly dedicated issues to the study of religion in children’s literature. Now, just a bit more than ten years later, the conversation is as alive as ever. Once again we ask ourselves, what is the role of religion in literature for teens and children? How has it changed? How has it stayed the same?
To pay tribute to the ongoing, shifting, and always provocative conversation, a special issue of Children’s Literature Association Quarterly will be devoted to new considerations of religion as it appears in children’s and young adult literature. Papers are invited on any aspect of the discussion, including (but not limited to):
· tracing and theorizing new trends
· new considerations of old patterns
· the influence of religious presses
· censorship issues
· wrestling with and/or rejecting religion
· religious themes and imagery in picture books
· cults, non-deist or other non-dominant traditions
Please send your papers (which should conform to the usual style of ChLAQ, and be between 5000-7000 words in length) to guest editor Jennifer Miskec ( by 1 November 2010. The selected articles will appear in ChLAQ 36.3, Fall 2011.
Dr. Jennifer M. Miskec
Assistant Professor of Children's and Young Adult Literature
English Graduate Program Coordinator
Director, Children's Literature Minor
Department of English and Modern Languages
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