Institution: Rutgers University—Camden
Start Date: September 2014
Childhood Studies, Rutgers University—Camden, New Jersey, USA invites
applications for two positions: Assistant Professor (tenure-track) and
Associate Professor (tenured) of Childhood Studies to commence on 1st September 2014.
on the strengths of its established, internationally recognized
program, the Department seeks outstanding scholars whose research
interests and projects address the lives or contexts of children and
childhood from an interdisciplinary perspective. All areas in the
social sciences and humanities are welcome, including interdisciplinary
fields such as performance studies, gender studies and disability
studies. The disciplinary affiliation of an applicant is of less
importance than the quality of his/her research and the demonstrated
appreciation for multidisciplinary approaches to the study of children
and childhood. We are particularly interested in receiving applications
from those whose work addresses the following areas, broadly conceived,
and can speak to both national and transnational contexts: children’s
sexualities, literacies, media, health behavior, geographies and
disabilities. We seek applicants with experience supervising doctoral
students and interest in contributing to leadership roles within the
in 2007 as the first doctoral-granting granting program in childhood
studies in the USA, the Department graduated its first Ph.D. students in
May 2013. Childhood Studies offers a robust, multidisciplinary
curriculum for BA, MA, and Ph.D. degrees. The Department has hosted
several major international conferences, sponsors an array of lectures
and symposia, and annually welcomes visiting scholars from around the
world. It enjoys an active faculty and graduate student body whose work
often integrates scholarship with social engagement.
University—Camden, a beautiful, urban campus expanding to accommodate
the growth of Southern New Jersey, is located just across the Delaware
River from Philadelphia. Rutgers is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Employer. The University and our Department seek to attract an
active, culturally diverse faculty of the highest caliber. Women and
minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.
Candidates can learn about the campus and the Department of Childhood Studies at http://childhood.camden.rutgers.edu/
and by contacting Department Chair, Dr. Lynne Vallone. Applications
should include a cover letter indicating the ways in which their
research adds to the Department’s strengths and focusing on how their
teaching and research may enhance a multidisciplinary program, along
with a CV and no more than two publications for the Associate Professor
position and one for the Assistant Professor position. Applicants to
the Assistant Professor position should forward three letters of
recommendation while applicants to the Associate Professor position
should forward a list of at least three potential referees.
Applications—electronic submissions are encouraged—should be sent to cstudies@camden.rutgers.edu
or to Dr. Lynne Vallone, Department of Childhood Studies, Rutgers, the
State University of New Jersey, 405-407 Cooper Street, Camden, NJ 08102
USA. The positions will remain open until filled, but completed
applications received by 7 November 2013 will receive fullest consideration.
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