79011, Lviv, Stryiska str., 26/6, Ukraine
Tel. : (032) 275 81 71; (067) 876 97 97; e-mail: urccyl@gmail.com
II International symposium “Literature. Children. Time”
(1-5 June, 2011, Lviv, Ukraine)
1-5 (5 days) June 2011 in the Western Scientific Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine an international scientific conference "Literature for Children and Youth: other / different, else's / our own children" will take place within the All-Ukrainian project "Literature. Children. Time". The conference arranger - Ukrainian Research Center of Children’s and Youth Literature - invites you to participate in its work.
The main thematic areas:
Historical context of the development of literature for children and youth.
Children's folklore and national poetic creativity for children.
Classics of literature for children and youth.
Modern prose and poetry for children and youth.
Theoretical aspects of the research of literature for children and youth.
Cultural-style systems in the literature for children and youth.
Intertext in the field of the development of literature for children and youth.
Comparative aspects in the study of literature for children and youth.
Roundtable meetings:
“News of Ukrainian Literature for Children and youth"; "Translated literature for children and youth: news, recommendations, suggestions, wishes"," Illustration as an implicit part of the text for children and youth", "Reading at school ";" Workshop of textbooks editing”.
Conference languages: Ukrainian, Russian, German and English.
To participate in the conference please send an application by May 1, 2011 addressed to the head of Ivano-Frankivsk branch of Children's and Youth Literature Research Centre Tatiana Kachak at this Internet address: tatjana-kachak@rambler.ru
Articles in Proceedings will be accepted for further study by Editorial Board of the Research Collection “Literature. Children. Time” during participants' registration and at e-mail of the Centre: urccyl@gmail.com.
Conference fee - 50 euros. Articles publishing – 5 euros/page.
The program of the second International Symposium “Literature. Children. Time" includes literary festival of children's writers.
Supervisors of the conference:
Cand.Phil.Sci., Assoc. Prof. Hnidets Ulyana,
The President of Ukrainian Research Center of Children’s and Youth Literature
Cand.Phil.Sci. , Assoc. Prof. Tatiana Kachak,
The Head of Ivano-Frankivsk branch of Ukrainian Research Center of Children’s and Youth Literature
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