Barnboken - Journal of Children’s Literature Research
New Issue of Barnboken
In the second issue of Barnboken 2011 Magnus Öhrn outlines the roots of boy humour in children’s literature. In Swedish tradition this category is intimately associated with the genre “tjuvpojksboken”(stories about young rascals).
How relations of trust between parent and youngster are expressed in two Norwegian novels written for teenage audiences is discussed by Turid Fosby Elsness.
Aasta Marie Bjorvand Bjørkøy investigates the edition history of Folk og røvere i Kardemomme by (1955 and 1980) by Thorbjørn Egner.
Lena Törnqvist writes about Astrid Lindgren’s archives in the National Library of Sweden. The material in the archives should be of interest not only for researches of juvenile literature but also research into art and language education, film and drama, sociology, economics, translation and many other subjects and open up new fields of research on the author’s work.
Barnboken also includes five reviews of theoretical literature.
Read the latest issue on www.sbi.kb.se/barnboken
Barnboken will soon be Children's Literature Research
As of 2012, Barnboken will change name and become Barnlitteraturforskning/Children’s Literature Research and at the same time transition to an open access. The transition also involves the journal moving from The Swedish Institute of Children’s Books to Co-Action Publishing. Readers around the world will have free access to the latest articles immediately they have been accepted and edited and will no longer be collated into issues. The journal will be published under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial 3.0 license, allowing for re-use for non-commercial purposes, and will be free to access and free to publish in.
From 2012, the journal, including archival material, can be found at www.ChildrensLiteratureResearch.net (not yet available).
Articles are available in HTML, XML, PDF and EPUB formats. Co-Action Publishing content is OAI compliant to allow for archiving. We welcome you to add the journal to your collection and hope you will help us share this information with the relevant departments at your institution/university.
Barnboken was established in 1977, since 2010 the Journal exists both in printed and electronic editions.
Information: Lillemor Torstensson, editor, lillemor.torstensson@sbi.kb.se, +46854542051
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