So, you just got an M.A. or a Ph.D. in Children's Literature. Now, how do you find a university or community college job? Where do you look:
- The Job Information List (JIL) is published weekly (except for the month of August) by ADE (Association of the Departments of English). While it may be possible to take out an individual subscription, most people (current students and alumni) get username and password privileges from the Chair of their English Department: http://www.ade.org/jil/index.htm
- The Chronicle of Higher Education is a weekly "newspaper" with employment "want ads." Clever people can even create a "bot" to send them notices when new positions appear. http://chronicle.com/section/Jobs/61/
- Phillip Serrato suggests this a good site for the community college job market: https://www.cccregistry.org/jobs/index.aspx
- For international jobs, it helps to belong to a professional organization and become a part of their email lists where, now and then, a message goes out advertising a position: the IRSCL (International Research Society for Children's Literature): http://www.irscl.com/join.html
- There is at least one website that lists positions in the humanities: Academic Keys: http://humanities.academickeys.com/
- Besides Facebook, gossip, and the like, there may be other ways to locate teaching jobs. We'd like to hear about them. Email us.
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