We would like to inform you of an upcoming conference entitled “The Fairy Tale Vanguard”, to be held at the Saint Peter's abbey in Ghent (Belgium) from Monday 20th till Wednesday 22nd August 2012. Our confirmed keynote speakers will be Jack Zipes, Cristina Bacchilega and Ute Heidmann. For a full description of our aims and setup, we refer you to the Call for Papers in the attachment. Please feel free to forward it on to others who might be interested.
We hope many of you will consider attending at and/or participating in this conference. Three hundred word abstracts for presentations should be sent to our conference address fairytale@ugent.be before 1 March 2012. Further information and registration forms will be posted on our website www.fairytale.ugent.be in due time.
Kind regards,
Stijn Praet (Ghent University) and Vanessa Joosen (University of Antwerp)
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