CFP: SWPACA Children’s/Young
Adult Literature and Culture Area
February 7th-10th, 2018
Albuquerque, New Mexico
for Submissions: October 22nd, 2017
CFP Webpage: https://call-for-papers.sas.upenn.edu/cfp/2017/09/17/cfp-swpaca-childrensyoung-adult-literature-and-culture-area
for papers and panels are now being accepted for the 39th annual SWPACA
conference. One of the nation’s largest interdisciplinary academic
conferences, SWPACA offers nearly 70 subject areas, each typically featuring
multiple panels. For a full list of subject areas, area descriptions, and
Area Chairs, please visit http://southwestpca.org/conference/call-for-papers/
Children’s/Young Adult Literature and Culture area covers a wide variety of
possible mediums: traditional book/literature culture, but also comics, graphic
novels, film, television, music, video games, toys, internet environment, fan
fiction, advertising, and marketing tie-ins to books and films, just to name a
few. Proposals on fiction, non-fiction, poetry, or cross-genre topics are
welcome. Interdisciplinary approaches are especially welcome, as are
presentations that go beyond the traditional scholarly paper format.
may include, but are not limited to:
· -Diversity in Children’s
and YA literature (gender, race/ethnicity, disability, body image, sexual identity)
· -Use of innovative
formats for both children’s and YA literature
· -The next “big” thing in
children’s and YA literature
· -Film adaptation issues
· -Historical approaches to
children’s and YA literature and culture
· -New readings of
children’s and YA literature and culture
· -Re-imaginings of myth,
fairy tale, and other traditional stories
· -Explorations of specific
authors in the children’s and YA areas
· -Fan fiction and fan
followings of books, films, and authors
· -Beyond books and films
· -Awards for children’s
and YA literature (issues and controversies)
on other topics related to Children’s and Young Adult Literature and Culture
will be read with interest.
details on using the submission database and on the application process in
general, please see the Proposal Submission FAQs and Tips page at
proposals for 15 minute papers must include an abstract of approximately
200-500 words. Including a brief bio in the body of the proposal form is
encouraged, but not required.
information on how to submit a proposal for a roundtable or a multi-paper
panel, please view the above FAQs and Tips page.
Call for Papers,
Children’s and Adolescent Literature at CEA 2018
April 5-7, 2018
St. Petersburg, Florida
for Submissions: November 1st, 2017
to Apply: www.cea-web.org
Webpage: https://call-for-papers.sas.upenn.edu/cfp/2017/08/31/39th-international-conference-on-the-fantastic-in-the-arts
welcomes proposals for presentations on the general conference theme: Bridges.
The Sunshine Skyway Bridge crosses Tampa Bay from St. Petersburg, called the
Sunshine City in honor of its Guinness Record for most consecutive days of
sunshine (768). St. Petersburg is home to historic neighborhoods, distinguished
museums, contemporary galleries, and a wide variety of dining, entertainment
and shopping venues. St. Petersburg is also home to the College English
Association’s 2018 national conference, where we invite you to join us at our
annual meeting to explore the many bridges that connect places, texts,
communities, words, and ideas.
invites proposals from academics in all areas of literature, language, film,
composition, pedagogy, and creative, professional, and technical writing. We
are especially interested in presentations that build bridges between and among
texts, disciplines, people, cultures, media, languages, and generations. For
your proposal, you might consider:
· -Bridges between
disciplines, languages, or generations
· -Bridges between races,
classes, cultures, regions, genders, or sexualities
· -Cultural or ideological
bridges in literary, scholarly, or theoretical works
· -The bridge as construct,
form, metaphor, motif, or icon
· -Connections between text
and images or sound
· -Bridges between theory
and practice, reading and writing, writer and audience
· -Building bridges between
teaching and scholarship; faculty and administrators; professors and students
· -Bridges as physical
artifacts and symbols of industry and technology
· -Digital humanities as a
bridge between worlds
· -What bridges connect,
support, and pass over
While we welcome essays pertaining to any area
of Children's and Adolescent Literature, we are particularly interested in
explorations of “bridges” in literature and culture, including rhetorical
studies, books, films, digital texts, and other media.
All presenters at the 2018 CEA conference must
become members of CEA by January 1, 2018. To join CEA, please go to www.cea-web.org
questions? Please email cea.english@gmail.com.
Translating and
Transmediating Children’s Literatures and Cultures [Book Contribution]
for Submission: November 1st, 2017
to Apply: www.ibby.org/bookbird
Translating and Transmediating Children’s Literatures and Cultures
CFP for special journal issue of Bookbird
CFP for special journal issue of Bookbird
A Journal of International Children’s Literature seeks contributions for a
special issue on the translation and transmediation of children’s literatures
and cultures. Mediation – whether in the form of adaptation, translation or
remediation – allows for a reevaluation of a variety of notions ranging from
authenticity, textuality, authorship, audience agency, age appropriateness,
creativity, and storytelling. Henry Jenkins’ definition of “transmedia
storytelling,” in particular, encapsulates the worldbuilding strategies of most
of today’s popular children’s literary/cultural products. The lure of Alice in
Wonderland, Harry Potter, or the Moomins is considerably enhanced by the
plethora of interconnected media platforms – novel, film, animation, computer
game, fanfiction, cosplay, collectibles, etc – all of which maximize audience
engagement by unfolding an increasingly elaborate fictional reality. The way in
which each media “adds a new cultural layer, supporting more diverse ways of
communicating, thinking, feeling, and creating than existed before” (Jenkins,
Clinton, McWilliams) resonates with how translation as an inventive “act of
both inter-cultural and inter-temporal communication” (Bassnett) allows us to
see in different ways the original text that always already “bears in itself all
possible translations and gets richer with each additional reading-rewriting,”
as Walter Benjamin put it. Topics for papers might include, but are not limited
· -De/reconstructing
fictional realities and expanding storyworlds through media/language change
· -Domestication and
foreignization as strategies of translating/transmediating children’s
· -The visibility and/or
the invisibility of mediators of children’s literature
· -Intergenerational
dynamics in translation and transmediation (crossover fiction, family adventure film, dual audiences, age appropriateness)
· -Image-textual dynamics
(translating illustrated stories, picture books, novelizations and subtitlings
of children’s cinema)
· -Translation/transmediation
of children’s/YA literature as a negotiation process (between publisher
demands, parental expectations, social norms, children’s cognitive abilities,
emotional needs, and imaginative worlds)
· -Importing and exporting
children’s literature and culture through translation and transmediation: global
challenges, glocal specificities, East meets West
· - Interfacing the ethics,
politics, and aesthetics of translation and transmediation
mediators’ changing the image/voice of the child reader
mediators’ changing the image/voice of the child reader
· -Metatextual and
metamedial self-reflectivity in the service of audience engagement
papers should be submitted to the editor, Björn Sundmark (bjorn.sundmark@mah.se), and guest
editor, Anna Kérchy (akerchy@gmail.com)
by 1 November 2017.
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