States of La Frontera: Call for Submissions
Where: N/A
When: N/A
Deadline for Submissions: Februrary 2nd, 2018
How to Apply: Via Submittable (see link below)
Sweeney, Editor-in-Chief
pacific REVIEW
Dept. of English and Comparative Literature
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Dr. | MC6020
San Diego, CA
Dept. of English and Comparative Literature
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Dr. | MC6020
San Diego, CA
pacificReview is currently hosting an open call for
submissions for our 2018 edition, “States of La Frontera” – an
interdisciplinary, intersectional collection of work that grapples with the
concept and image of “borders” as existing in multiple contexts. “States of La
Frontera” refers to the literal and figurative borderlands of space and
identity: the physical, geographical, emotional, spiritual, and temporal
boundaries and possibilities of being. We are interested in works that embrace
and complicate life at the intersection – works that resist hegemony,
generalization, and singularity.
“States of La Frontera” refuses translation and is open
to works in English, Spanish, or a combination of the two. We accept
submissions of poetry, flash fiction, short stories, creative non-fiction,
memoir, essays, comics, collages, photography, and visual art.
Submission Notes: pacificReview
considers previously unpublished work. You may submit up to three pieces of
work from any genre for consideration in this edition. When submitting content,
we highly encourage that you include a statement regarding how your work
responds to the edition theme.
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