Barnboken – tidskrift för barnlitteraturforskning
Journal of Children’s Literature Research
is now available as an open-access journal, at the following website:
It is still possible to subscribe and get the printed version.
Content issue 1, 2010
”If you thought this story sour, sweeten it with your own telling” – Cross-cultural intertextuality and a feminist poetics of rewriting in Susan Price’s Ghost dance av Sanna Lehtonen.”Hemma längtar jag bort, borta längtar jag hem.” Andra världskrigets finska krigsbarn i svensk barn- och ungdomslitteratur av Ulf Boëthius. (Finnish child refugees of the Second World War in Swedish literature for children and youth.)På vei mot barnelitteraturens grense? Erlend Loes Kurtby (2008) av Åse Marie Ommundsen(Toward the limit of children's literature? Erlend Loe's Kurtby (2008)).
Inre landsskap i text och bild / Anna-Maija Ksokimies-HellmanReviewer: Agnes-Margrethe BjorvandFantasy, myth and the measure of truth / William GrayReviewer: Maria NikolajevaThe hidden adult: defining children´s literature / Perry NodelmanReviewer: Maria Lessén-SegerPli på pojkar / Conny SvenssonReviewer: Magnus ÖrnAstrid Lindgren – Werk und Wirkung: internationale und interkulturelle AspekteReviewer: Corina Löwe
Lillemor TorstenssonInformation Officer, Editor
The Swedish Institute for Children's Books, Odengatan 61, SE-113 22 Stockholm tel +46 8-54 54 20 51,mobile +46 704 80 49 94, lillemor.torstensson@sbi.kb.se
Journal of Children’s Literature Research
is now available as an open-access journal, at the following website:
It is still possible to subscribe and get the printed version.
Content issue 1, 2010
”If you thought this story sour, sweeten it with your own telling” – Cross-cultural intertextuality and a feminist poetics of rewriting in Susan Price’s Ghost dance av Sanna Lehtonen.”Hemma längtar jag bort, borta längtar jag hem.” Andra världskrigets finska krigsbarn i svensk barn- och ungdomslitteratur av Ulf Boëthius. (Finnish child refugees of the Second World War in Swedish literature for children and youth.)På vei mot barnelitteraturens grense? Erlend Loes Kurtby (2008) av Åse Marie Ommundsen(Toward the limit of children's literature? Erlend Loe's Kurtby (2008)).
Inre landsskap i text och bild / Anna-Maija Ksokimies-HellmanReviewer: Agnes-Margrethe BjorvandFantasy, myth and the measure of truth / William GrayReviewer: Maria NikolajevaThe hidden adult: defining children´s literature / Perry NodelmanReviewer: Maria Lessén-SegerPli på pojkar / Conny SvenssonReviewer: Magnus ÖrnAstrid Lindgren – Werk und Wirkung: internationale und interkulturelle AspekteReviewer: Corina Löwe
Lillemor TorstenssonInformation Officer, Editor
The Swedish Institute for Children's Books, Odengatan 61, SE-113 22 Stockholm tel +46 8-54 54 20 51,mobile +46 704 80 49 94, lillemor.torstensson@sbi.kb.se
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