thanks to Joe Sanders...
Dear Southern California Children's Literature Friends,
The Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) is a warm, welcoming, and intellectually-exciting scholarly association dedicated to helping its members share their research in ancient and modern literature, linguistics, foreign languages, and cultural studies (and importantly for us--children's literature studies). Our annual conference last year, held at San Francisco State University, had over four hundred participants and over a hundred different sessions.
This year PAMLA's 108th annual conference will be held on Saturday and Sunday, November 13-14, 2010, at Chaminade University, Honolulu, Hawaii.
This year, PAMLA has four different approved sessions dealing with various aspects of children's and young adult literature:
Children's Literature (a general session open to any topic) Islands in Children's and Adolescent Literature (chaired by Jerry Griswold) Lilo's O'hana Exploring Young Adult Literature
If the presiding officers receive enough wonderful paper proposals to justify doing so, I am willing to create mutliple sessions out of each of these areas, so we could conceivably have eight or even more sessions at the conference dealing with children's and young adult literature.
For further information about PAMLA and the 2010 PAMLA Conference, please visit the PAMLA website: http://www.pamla.org/ .
To view our list of approved sessions for the 2010 PAMLA Conference in Hawaii, and to propose a paper for the conference by our April 5, 2010 deadline, you may go to: http://www.pamla.org/2010/session-topics . We have 100 approved sessions on almost every imaginable topic. As PAMLA grows as a scholarly association, we'd love to have more professors, lecturers, and graduate students doing important and interesting work on children's/young adult literature. For any further questions about the conference or about membership in PAMLA, please feel free to email me at svonkin@netzero.com
All my very best, Craig Svonkin
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