In a world of adorable,
hug-inducing, warm-butterfly-feelings children’s books, there’s the occasional shadow
hanging around at the edges of all that light, reminding us to come to the ghoulish
side instead. There was a time between the 70’s to the early 90’s, when fiction
for children and young adults was all about social realism. Gothic tropes never
truly went out of style, and in the world of children’s literature — whether or
not Gothic tropes are meant for younger audiences is an often-debated topic —
kids are picking up horror and dark humor stories now more and more.

Last Laughs is grouped by animal type, starting with a slew of fowl and other
farm animals — who meet their
unfortunate deaths with a head butt or cream-ation
— to our aquatic favorites, such as the poor Narwhal, and even a few insects at
the end (though whether or not we feel sorry for them is debatable). While it
is not an ABC book, there is no doubt children of all ages will be drawn to its
frightening premise and to its gruesomeness and ghoulishness. Neil Gaiman
himself argues, “I think horror has always been integral to children’s fiction.
Look at Hansel and Gretel. Fiction
teaches kids how to survive in the world.”
The illustrations by Jeffery
Stewart Timmins are vastly from different from Gorey’s. Whereas Edward Gorey
was refined and very tongue-in-cheek macabre with his black and white illustrations,
Timmins’s are more of the slapstick variety in tones of browns, blacks, and
sickly yellows, with creatures that meet their ends in more silly ways. The
wordplay in the epitaphs makes death a slightly ridiculous notion and even a
little bit fun. One of my personal
favorites is:
“Ciao, Cow”
This grave is peaceful,
The tombstone shaded,
but I’m not here—
I’ve been cream-ated.
- Knight, Linsay. "Why Kids Love Scary Stories." Randomhouse. n.p., Web. 10 December 2015.
- Lewis, J Patrick, and Yolen, Jane. Last Laughs: Animal Epitaphs. Watertown: Charlesbridge. 2012. Print.
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