The association
of the spindle with domesticity comes from early traditions where families would
sit by the hearth and listen to the grandmother's tale, which is spun like the
fibers of the very yarn she is making. However, this association with the happy
family is lost when one puts it in context of Sleeping Beauty, who is subjugated
by this weapon. Not only is this an intrusion on the domestic space, but it is also
an imposition on the female identity. Domesticity and the identity of a mother
are seen as confinement that trap women into a mold and rob them of any other
way of life, reducing them to mere productive or reproductive units. This is
especially true of the noblewomen who had no practical skills to sustain an
independent lifestyle.
But why would a
woman choose to subjugate a young girl?
The fairy or
witch who curses the princess does so, in most retellings, because she is insulted
that she did not receive an invitation to the celebration of the baby’s birth
while the other fairies did. In more recent retellings, there is some attempt
at justifying the reason for this exclusion. The Grimm Brothers wrote that the
King chose to invite 12 out of the 12 “Wise Women” in the kingdom because “he
had only twelve golden plates for them to eat out of.” Charles Perrault writes
that for the baby’s christening “all the fairies that could be found in the
realm (they numbered seven in all) were invited to be godmothers to the little
princess,” but then during the ceremony an aged fairy enters, “whom no one had
thought to invite—the reason being that for more than fifty years she had never
quitted the tower in which she lives, and the people had supposed her to be
dead or bewitched.” Disney’s adaptation of Sleeping
Beauty implies Maleficent was not invited because she was evil and in their
latest movie release, Maleficent has a dark history with the king. In each of
these cases, the exclusion that the uninvited guest experiences implies she
does not belong at the celebration of new life and new family.
Deemed unfit to
join the family celebration, the dark fairy/witch is excluded from having a
domestic relationship with the rest of the kingdom. So it makes sense that she
chooses a spindle to carry out her curse: Not only is it a symbol of the
domestic identity of women, but it also represents a tradition of
disempowerment that is passed down from mother to daughter through the simple
act of storytelling. Repeated tales of passive women who fulfill their gender
roles provide no real value to women who wish for a life other than the
domestic. Instead, these women are marked as abject and deemed unfit to join
society due to their non-normativity. With this frame of mind, we can see that the
fairy/witch is actually cursing the princess for her inclusion in the domestic space with the item that is used in reference to the domesticated woman.
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