Over the
last few decades, millions all around the world have been captivated by the
epic tale that spans out over 6 movies (so far) and 40 years. At the heart of
the Star Wars story, the notion of childhood as a dark, difficult, and confusing
time can be found initiating the battle between good an evil. Beginning with
one child, Anakin, who leaves his mother to become a defender of the galaxy, the
child perspective in this story reveals
the sacrifices one might have to make in order to grow up and create a new and
independent identity.
Whether fans began in their own childhood with the first movies that
popularized the story or whether fans are the children of these original fans,
it can be said that even a third generation of Star Wars fanatics are being

These first
person perspective books from some of the most famous child characters also exposed
the beginning of the Empire's greatest love story. The first person narratives
allow a close reading of their friendship blossoming while still needing to
grow into their own adult identities. Also, the reactions of their first
encounter together captures the hearts of young readers because it grants a
look into the emotions these characters consciously work to understand. What is
seen here then is how the story of Star Wars is one that begins as a child’s
and young adult adventure to save worlds and bring peace to the galaxy. The
child voice through this particular book series and others like it, expands
upon child agency as the children are left to make their own choices and
mistakes. Allowing childhood agency then to demonstrate a justification of why
Darth Vader became who he is, makes the story about a man trying to save the women he loves, a once teenage queen who lived with him through the hardest decision of his life. The expression of fear and sadness Anakin faces leaving home to create his grown identity as a Jedi suggests that the child voice is something that
was always crucial to the story and Darth Vader as a character.

the Star Wars story continues to be told in books meant for a younger audience.
Author Jeffrey Brown created a series titled Jedi Academy also from Scholastic
Inc., which follows the current children's book trend of graphic novel with a
childish tone and silly images, a similar style to the popular Captain
Underpants series. Chewbacca (known as Kitmum) is the P.E. instructor who
offers advice to his student, but because he speaks in growls, his advice must be
translated through the main character Roan Novachez. To convey the world of
Star Wars, the child character Roan explains he wanted to be a pilot before
being drafted into the Jedi Academy. Even though set in a science fiction
world, the struggles he faces with teachers and friends as a child starting his
journey into adulthood is still found. This series is told from Roan's
perspective and still works to establish the familiar images of Star Wars but
coming through a childish and captivating perspective. C-3P0 becomes T-P30 and R2-D2’s
name is changed to RW-22 who still has to have his beeps translated by his faithful robot friend, bringing the classic Star Wars vibe back into the
hearts of young readers.
Since Disney
has announced the release of the first of the last three Star Wars movies later
this year, it seems appropriate to stop and remember where it all started.
Perhaps Star Wars captured so many hearts because of its childhood elements
that construct the story it ultimately became. If this is the case, then it may
prove that fantasy and sci-fi with a little child or young adult spark can
increase its depth within our own memories of childhood. Or maybe what captures
fans is that the evil that transforms Anakin from a sweet child into the
ruthless leader might have not happened without the dysfunctional family he was
miraculously born into or the one he creates. Regardless, this story’s journey from childhood in a
futuristic world still captures the terrifying identity crisis of owning one’s agency in childhood and being left with the decisions made innocently that
could be the cultivators of good or evil within the adult.
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