This Saturday: GSA Movie Meetup and Discussion Forum (UPDATED LOCATION)
When: Saturday, March 23, 10:30 am to 3:00 pm
Where: Grossmont Reading Cinemas, followed by (free!) lunch at BJ's Restaurant
Topic of the Day: L. Frank Baum's World of Oz and all its reincarnations

The GSA Forums are a chance to
engage with like-minded folks on all realms and levels of Children's Lit. This month
we want to delve into the fascinating world of Oz created by L. Frank Baum, first by watching the film conceived as a prequel to his universe, and then having lunch and delightful discussion. Feel
free to bring any topics to share, whether on or off topic--the forum is meant to
be a welcoming and casual gathering. And come prepared for some fun and games!
This Forum is open to all folks
interested. That means faculty, grad students, undergrads, and you! So whether
you have tons to discuss or you just feel like listening in, please drop by! It
also provides an excellent opportunity to meet like-minded peers and scholars
of the field.
We'll be meeting by 10:15 am to watch the film at 10:30 am. *The movie time for Grossmont says 10:30 am--confirmed* Lunch will follow at BJ's, around 1:15 pm. Keep your eyes tuned on Our Facebook Page for more information.
Please let us know if you intend to join for the movie, the discussion/lunch afterward, or both. Remember, Lunch is on us!
Please let us know if you intend to join for the movie, the discussion/lunch afterward, or both. Remember, Lunch is on us!
Looking forward to meeting up, hanging
out, and exploring The Wonderful World of Oz!
For more Information about the
ChildLit GSA, please visit us at:
The GSA Website:
On Twitter: @SDSUChildLitGSA
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