Friday, November 30, 2012

Fairy tales, Villains, and Creativity with Guillermo del Toro

Just a fun and thoughtful read to carry you into the weekend. Guillermo del Toro talks about his current film, Rise of the Guardians, covering the darkness within storytelling to children (or how dark is too dark), bringing fairy tale characters to life as well as making one-dimensional marketing ploys into tangible characters, and other goodies. One of my favorite quotes, on horror versus dark fairy tale movies:
You know, the fairy tale contains a lot more elements of magic and whimsy and the horror story contains a lot more, sort of, almost existential feelings — sort of dread, and ultimately they are similar melodies, played at a very different key.
If you aren't bogged down with final papers and projects and the kind of madness that storms in at the end of a semester, maybe catch the film in theatres this weekend and fill me in on it.

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