"In our own times, Tea Party acolytes have reimagined America’s radicals and revolutionaries as proto-conservatives keen on fiscal restraint. Anderson’s “Forge” is a terrific return not only to the colonial era but to historical accuracy."
This is Jerry Griswold's conclusion in a brand new review (February 13) of Laurie Halse Anderson's young-adult novel Forge in the New York Times Book Review: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/13/books/review/Griswold-t.html?nl=books&emc=booksupdateema4
This follows upon a lecture ("When the American Right Gets History Wrong") Griswold gave in October at the University of Paris (13). Prompted by the rise of the Tea Party and by their reshapings of American history, he has been devoting months to examinations of young-adult historical fiction concerned with the American Revolution: the extent to which it is historical and the extent to which it is fictional.
This enterprise began with Griswold's admiration of M.T. Anderson's Octavian Nothing in his essay for the New York Times Book Review : http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/09/books/review/Griswold-t.html?pagewanted=2&_r=4
A handy summary of some recent books about the American Revolution appears in his column in Parents Choice: http://blog.parents-choice.org/?p=1018
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