Barnboken – journal of children’s literature research
Call for papers
Narrating guilt in literature for children and young people
Deadline August 15, 2011
Guilt is a powerful force in life as in narratives. It can be considered from a number of perspectives – that of a person with guilt on his or her conscience, or from the outside, for example. In literature for children and young people, guilt may be described with a focus on parents with a guilty conscience (because they have been unable to protect their children, for instance), children who are guilty (of bullying, for example), or collective guilt (literature about the holocaust or with a focus on environmental problems). Even the absence of guilt or of feeling guilty may be of interest and/or symptomatic of something. When is guilt a positive force and when is it negative? Guilt may be colored by either religious or secular political preconceptions. Guilt is also different in different historical and cultural contexts. Barnboken – journal of children’s literature research welcomes articles devoted to the study of narrating guilt in literature for children and young people.
Every issue contains, in addition to articles and essays, reviews of recently-published theoretical literature and information concerning ongoing research in the field of literature for children and young people. It is published by the Swedish Institute for Children’s Books. Two issues a year are published as both printed and Open Access versions. Articles are published in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and English.
Articles submitted for consideration may not have been previously published or presented in any other context. Papers of no more than 30,000 characters including spaces (please see our style sheet at www.sbi.kb.se/stylesheet) may be submitted as email attachments to barnboken@sbi.kb.se and must include, in addition to the body of the article:
1) Title of article
2) Name, affiliation and email address of author
3) Abstract, 300 words
Articles accepted for this issue will be published in 2012. A guide to our reference and note system may be found at www.sbi.kbse/stylesheet or requested from the editor, Ms Lillemor Torstensson: Lillemor.torstensson@sbi.kb.se . This journal is peer reviewed. The editorial committee consists of Stefan Mählqvist, Associate Professor, Janina Orlov, PhD, Agneta Rehal, PhD, and Björn Sundmark, PhD. Barnboken is published with financial support from the Swedish Research Council, (Vetenskapsrådet).
For more information, please contact:
Svenska barnboksinstitutet/Swedish Institute for Children’s Books
Lillemor Torstensson, editor
Odengatan 61
SE-113 22 Stockholm
Tel: + 46 8 54 54 20 51
E-mail: lillemor.torstensson@sbi.kb.se