I’ll be completing my doctoral qualifying exams on June 3rd, earning an M.A., a C.Phil, and advancing to candidacy in UCSD’s Literature department. In June, I’ll be presenting at ChLA in Michigan, and then returning to San Diego, teaching a course on creative writing for Johns Hopkins’ Center for Talented Youth during June and July. In August, I’ll be at the Dickens Universe in Santa Cruz as UCSD’s representative. I also plan to visit friends and family in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Berkeley and Seattle, as well as rediscover that elusive creature known as “free time.” Hiking and camping trips to Idyllwild and other mountainous areas in Southern California are at the top of my to-do list.
At some point this summer (after a nice post-qualifying break), I plan to begin work on my dissertation on regionalism and children's literature, which will examine the ways in which the literary child constructs, resists and/or problematizes the geographic and discursive local.
My article “'The Other Was Whole’: Anne of Green Gables, Trauma and Mirroring” will shortly be published in The Lion and the Unicorn 34.2.
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