Fairy Tales Area at Popular Culture Association/ American
Culture Association
When: March 28th-31st,
Where: Indianapolis, IN
Deadline for Submissions: Sunday, October 1st, 2017
How to Apply: http://conference.pcaaca.org/
Summary: The Fairy Tales Area of the Popular Culture
Association/American Culture Association seeks paper presentations on any topic
involving fairy tales. While our interests are broad and inclusive, we invite
papers that discuss fairy tales in contemporary popular culture (TV shows,
movies, graphic novels, advertising, toys, video games, popular literature,
etc), revisions and adaptations of fairy tales (including creative projects,
such as poems, short fiction, TV shows), and approaches that consider the
subversive nature of the fairy tale (such as subverted family values, queering
the fairy tale, etc.). Still, we are interested in as wide an array of papers
as possible, so please do not hesitate to send a submission on any fairy tale
related subject.
The Frankenstein Story in Children’s and Young Adult
Culture at Popular Culture Association/ American Culture Association
When: March 28th-31st,
Where: Indianapolis, IN
Deadline for Submissions: Sunday, October 1st, 2017
How to Apply: https://conference.pcaaca.org/
Summary: Mary
Shelley’s Frankenstein celebrates its 200th anniversary in 2018. It is a work
that has permeated popular culture, appearing in versions found across the
globe, in all known media, and for all age groups. However, many aspects of
this tradition remain underexplored by scholars. One of these is how the story
and its characters have manifested in children’s and young adult culture.
Like Frankensteiniana for older audiences,
versions of the story for young audiences offer interesting and important
approaches to the novel and its textual progeny, and they deserve to be better
known and analyzed, especially since, for many, works designed for the young
represent their first encounters with Frankenstein and its characters.
Criticism on these works remains limited; though
a growing number of scholars (see the selected bibliography appended to this
call) have begun to offer more in the way of critical analysis, as opposed to
just seeing them as curiosities. It is our hope that this session will continue
this trend and foster further discussion and debate on these texts.
In this session, we seek proposals that explore
representations of Frankenstein, its story, and/or its characters in children’s
and young adult culture. We are especially interested in how the Creature is
received in these works, especially by children and young adult characters, but
other approaches (and comments on other characters) are also valid.
Sudden Swift Impression”: Re-Examining the Victorian Short Story
When: Saturday, January 27th, 2018
Where: Brighton University, Brighton, England
Deadline for Submissions: Monday, October 2nd, 2017
Keynote Speaker: Dr Emma Liggins (Manchester Metropolitan University)
on Victorian Women’s Ghost Stories and the Haunted Space: From Elizabeth
Gaskell to Margaret Oliphant’
of Discussion: The Victorian Popular
Fiction Association and the Short Story Network invite you to submit proposals
for this Study Day on the short fiction of the long 19th century.
Scholarship is increasingly
recognising the short story as a form that, far from being the inferior
relation of the novel, has its own distinctive aesthetic and discursive
possibilities. This Study Day will explore the contention that precisely the
qualities that led to the short story’s marginal status – its brevity,
immediacy, and possible ephemerality – provided writers scope for formal
narrative experimentation and for exploring different ways of representing
social reality. The conference organisers welcome proposals for 20 minute
papers. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
· The ghost story and Gothic fiction
· The short story, crime and detection
· The short story and humour
· The short story and romance
· Imperial short stories
· Short fiction and the periodicals market
· The short story and women writers
· The New Woman
· Children’s literature / juvenile story papers
· The short story and sensation
· The serial short story
· The short story and science fiction
Medicine and the short story
· Investigating
Identities in Young Adult (YA) Narratives Symposium
When: Wednesday, December 13th, 2017
Where: The University of Northampton, Northampton,
Deadline for Submissions: Sunday, October 8th,
How to Apply: Send an email to either: sonya.andermahr@northampton.ac.uk or anthony.stepniak2@northampton.ac.uk
Summary: From JK Rowling’s Harry Potter series to
Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight, Young Adult (YA) narratives have
grown exponentially over the past twenty years. Adopting a range of genres and
platforms including the Bildungsroman and the coming of age teen drama, YA
narratives represent a significant cultural means to explore the formation of
identity in all its varied aspects. This one day symposium at the University of
Northampton will investigate the representation of identity constructions in
relation to narrative form in YA narratives both past and present.
topics may include, but are no means limited to:
Representations of racial/ethnic identity in YA narratives
Representations of gender and/or sexual identity in YA narratives
The representation of identity in YA narratives in relation to the
notion of class
Interrogations of YA narrative’s treatment of LGBTQIA+ identities
The effect of trauma on identity in YA narratives
YA narratives and the notion of the outsider or other
The relationship between genre and the notion of identity in YA narratives
The representation of non-binary identities in YA narratives
The transition from childhood to adulthood in classic (children’s) literature
The representation of disability in relation to the notion of identity in YA
The use and function of supernatural identities in YA narratives
an interdisciplinary symposium focused on narrative, papers from across the
subject areas of literature, screen studies, history, popular culture and
education studies are invited. The symposium welcomes papers on both YA
literature and screen adaptations, and from scholars working on earlier periods
as well as contemporary culture.
symposium invites papers from academics, early career researchers and
postgraduate research students alike.