Monday, November 29, 2010
Carole Scott y un libro nuevo
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Shaun Tan Rules

A trailer from a forthcoming film:
Graphic novels are aimed at adolescents. While some bookstores mistakenly mix graphic novels and picture books, their real audience is not found among tots in love with Goodnight Moon, but teens keen on manga. Selznick and Yang are among the top artists working in this genre. At the top of the top, to my way of thinking, is Shaun Tan. . . Jerry Griswold on "Shaun Tan and the Graphic Novel" in Parents' Choice:
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Fairy Tales Conference: UK (Mar 2011)
Myths and Fairy Tales in Film and Literature post-1900
A two-day international conference
Friday 25th - Saturday 26th March 2011
(NB: adjusted dates since first cfp issued)
Hosted by the Film and Literature Programme of the University of York's Department of English and Related Literature in association with The Centre for Modern Studies
Call for Papers
This forthcoming international conference invites renewed reflection on fundamental, inherited tales as these have found self-reinventing expression in film and literature post-1900. It seeks to interrogate the dramatic, poetic and visual character of culturally core stories (fairy/mythic/classical/religious/Shakespearean etc), the formal operations and cultural force of their variant tellings (and showings) across media and moment, and the ways in which their psychological, social, political and aesthetic functions have been interpreted and employed.
Confirmed keynote speakers:
Professor Marina Warner, Professor Ian Christie, Dr Diane Purkiss
Abstracts are solicited for individual 20-minute papers on the theme of the conference (interpreted in literary or film terms, or both). Proposals of pre-constituted panels (composed of two or three 20-minute papers) are also welcome.
Questions informing case studies might include (without being limited to):
Why do some stories endure across multiple retellings while others fall into neglect?
What primal impulses are encoded, fears expressed or defused and/or desires satisfied in those that resurface repeatedly in altered guises?
Which narrative elements and characters have proved largely stable across time and place, apparently immune to cultural disruption, and which have been gently or radically adjusted in response to other cultural-historical forces?
How have particular post-1900 literary and screen engagements with culturally embedded stories appropriated, revivified and disseminated those inherited tales in distinctive and culturally illuminating ways?
How have the behavioural models promoted, social imperatives implied, modes of telling adopted and artistic allegiances embraced in the ongoing lives of particular tales been revised over time to fit new circumstances, new audiences and/or new media?
How have theories of transmission, narrative endurance and narrative change accounted for the culturally revealing reinventions of various fundamental story pools?
Which theories of narrative transmission, inter-medial adaptation and/or inter-textuality can illuminate the ongoing life of a story most tellingly? (And, perhaps, which have proved interpretively diversionary or limiting?)
Panels have thus far been suggested on the following themes (subject to accepted abstracts): classical subjects, scriptural/religious subjects, Shakespearean subjects, revisionism, fairy tales for children, fairy tales for adults, anti-tales, the transculturing of inherited myths. Contributors are welcome to submit with these proposed panels in mind, or in any other field that speaks to the theme of the conference.
Abstracts of not more than 250 words should be submitted, not by attachment but within the body of the email, to: film-and-literature@events.york.ac.uk.
Deadline for receipt of abstracts: Tuesday 21st December 2010.
A brief personal biog-sketch (not more than 100 words) including institutional affiliation, current appointment/stage of study, principal publication(s) (where applicable) and main research interests, should be included in the same email. All submissions will be responded to, and all contributors notified, by Friday 7th January 2011.
Registration details and downloadable form at: http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/engl/events/FilmLitConferenceReg.docGeneral enquiries: film-and-literature@events.york.ac.uk
Conference chair: judith.buchanan@york.ac.uk
Conference or Call for Papers
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Interesting Job in the UK (Dec 10 deadline)

The Children's Book Festival in Bath is famous...
Development DirectorRecruiter The Bath Festivals organisation Posted 23 November 2010 Location Bath Function Senior Management, Management Sector Community, Arts / Culture Hours Full Time Contract Type Permanent Salary Competitive
Apply now (this will open in a new window)
Further information
Development Director
The Bath Festivals organisation is entering a new phase, building on its international reputation for Bath International Music Festival, the successful Bath Literature Festival, and the Festival of Children’s Literature. We also run a year-round education programme, and provide box office services to 80 organisations in and around Bath.
This will be a key role, working alongside the newly appointed Chief Executive to drive forward long term plans, and with overall responsibility for our fundraising strategy. You’ll have expert knowledge and a successful proven track record in securing and growing funds from the private sector and individuals. Overseeing Marketing and Communications you’ll lead ambitious plans to increase and diversify our audience, and develop our public image.
Salary by negotiation
Download an application pack by clicking the Apply button
01225 462231 info@bathfestivals.org.uk
Closing date 10 December
Apply now (this will open in a new window)
The Bath Festivals organisation
Friday, November 19, 2010
June Cummins on Harry Potter's Appeal

June Cummins on the Harry Potter books, or maybe about their readers. In today's San Diego Tribune:
“Everything in the ‘Harry Potter’ books has to do with human interaction. It is about pain and love and acceptance,” said June Cummins, an associate professor in San Diego State University’s Department of English and Comparative Literature. “But there is also a big fantasy element, and as soon as you get into the parallel universe of Hogwarts, that becomes a source of comfort and escape.”
“Everything in the ‘Harry Potter’ books has to do with human interaction. It is about pain and love and acceptance,” said June Cummins, an associate professor in San Diego State University’s Department of English and Comparative Literature. “But there is also a big fantasy element, and as soon as you get into the parallel universe of Hogwarts, that becomes a source of comfort and escape.”
American Revolution in Young Adult Fiction

Dressed in colonial garb and looking like reincarnations of Benjamin Franklin and Betsy Ross, members of the political movement known as the Tea Party have gone bonkers about history and link their conservative agenda to the Founding Fathers. Reality-based historians are aghast at this misreading of the past and by the Tea Party’s farfetched assertion that George Washington and Co. were actually conservatives; as historians point out, rather than reactionaries eager to maintain the status quo through budgetary restraint, Washington, Paine, Franklin, et al. were actually radicals and revolutionaries. Ladies and Gentleman: Welcome to the so-called “History Wars,” a cultural phenomenon that is even now shaping young-adult fiction.
Jerry Griswold on the American Revolution in Young Adult Fiction:
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Report on Julia Alvarez's Visit (Nov 15 2010)

It surprises Julia Alvarez when people ask her if writing for children is her way of taking a break from writing for adults. To Alvarez, writing children’s books is no break. It is harder than writing for adults because she must more carefully choose what to leave out.
Speaking to a standing room only crowd today at SDSU, Alvarez said she wants Dominican Republic children to have books to read that include their folk stories and traditions and so she writes them. Her Alta Gracia Foundation, started with husband Bill Eichner, funds a DR mountain village school and library where children and adults learn to read. Their library design is that of a “snack bar” library with a convenience window where people can check out books.
Among Alvarez’s children’s titles are -- The Best Gift of All: The Legend of La Vieja Belén/El mejor regalo del mundo: la leyenda de La Vieja Belén (2008) illustrated by Rudy Nunez; The Secret Footprints (2000) illustrated by Fabian Negrin; and A Gift of Gracias. The Legend of Altagracia (2005) illustrated by Beatriz Vidal.
Lists of Alvarez children’s books are at www.juliaalvarez.com. Read more on Café Alta Gracia at http://www.cafealtagracia.com/brochure/literacy.html. Today’s talk was sponsored by the Bread and Roses Center of the Department of Women’s Studies at SDSU in partnership with the Association of Chicana Activists, Eveoke Dance Theatre, and The Cultural Worker.
Linda Salem
Children’s Literature Bibliographer
SDSU Library
Linda Salem
Children’s Literature Bibliographer
SDSU Library
Young & Jewish: June Cummins to Talk Nov 17

Nov. 17, 3 PM. 25th Anniversary of the SDSU Jewish Studies Program
"What are Jewish Girls and Boys Made Of?: Gender in Books for Jewish Adolescents,"
June Cummins-Lewis, SDSU.
301 Geology, Mathematics, and Computer Science Building, SDSU. (Across bridge and right turn from Parking Structure on S.E. corner after I-8 Exit onto College)
"What are Jewish Girls and Boys Made Of?: Gender in Books for Jewish Adolescents,"
June Cummins-Lewis, SDSU.
301 Geology, Mathematics, and Computer Science Building, SDSU. (Across bridge and right turn from Parking Structure on S.E. corner after I-8 Exit onto College)
Monday, November 15, 2010
Position (South Carolina)

University of South Carolina-Columbia
Augusta Baker Endowed Chair in Childhood Literacy
School of Library & Information Science (SLIS)
The School of Library and Information Science at the University of South Carolina seeks an outstanding candidate to fill the Augusta Baker Endowed Chair in Childhood Literacy, the first academic chair at the University of South Carolina honoring an African-American woman.
Augusta Baker was the first African American Coordinator of Children's Services at the New York Public Library and former Storyteller-in-Residence at the University of South Carolina. Nationally known as an outstanding librarian, storyteller and author she worked to abolish stereotypes in children's literature. She helped bring attention to the need for children to have stories, characters and settings with which they could identify. She emphasized that hearing stories was a child's first step to literacy.
The successful candidate will build on the Baker legacy of excellence in childhood literacy and youth services and provide national and state leadership in the teaching, research, and service missions of the School of Library and Information Science (SLIS). The Chair will be actively involved with the South Carolina Center for Children's Books and Literacy, a SLIS initiative dedicated to research, development, and community involvement to eliminate illiteracy in South Carolina. The Chair will work to bridge the gap between the University and the needs of communities throughout the state.
The required qualifications for this tenure track position include:
* An earned doctorate;
* Achievement commensurate with appointment at the rank of professor is preferred although appointment at the rank of associate professor will be considered;
* A research agenda in childhood literacy and youth services or children's literature;
* A record of publication and successful grant-funded research;
* Excellence in teaching;
* Demonstrated successful projects in community collaboration;
* A history of professional involvement; and
* A commitment to cultural diversity.
The SLIS-MLIS program is fully accredited by the American Library Association (ALA), and its school media preparation program is approved by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). In addition to the MLIS degree, SLIS offers the Ph.D. and two other post-master's degrees. The School also offers an undergraduate degree in information science.
The University of South Carolina is a Carnegie Research I institution and recognizes that the strength and reputation of SLIS are integral to the mission of the University. We are an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer committed to building a culturally diverse faculty, staff, and student body, and are responsive to the needs of dual career couples.
The review of applications and nominations for the position will begin December 10, 2010 and continue until the position is filled. Salary is fully competitive. Applicants should submit electronically a letter of intent (including research and teaching and community involvement interests) and curriculum vitae with the names of three references (in .pdf or .doc format) to:
Dean Tom McNally, Chair
Augusta Baker Endowed Chair in Childhood Literacy Search Committee
School of Library and Information Science
1501 Greene Street, 113 Davis College University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
Phone: (803) 777-3858; FAX: (803) 777-7938
Augusta Baker Endowed Chair in Childhood Literacy
School of Library & Information Science (SLIS)
The School of Library and Information Science at the University of South Carolina seeks an outstanding candidate to fill the Augusta Baker Endowed Chair in Childhood Literacy, the first academic chair at the University of South Carolina honoring an African-American woman.
Augusta Baker was the first African American Coordinator of Children's Services at the New York Public Library and former Storyteller-in-Residence at the University of South Carolina. Nationally known as an outstanding librarian, storyteller and author she worked to abolish stereotypes in children's literature. She helped bring attention to the need for children to have stories, characters and settings with which they could identify. She emphasized that hearing stories was a child's first step to literacy.
The successful candidate will build on the Baker legacy of excellence in childhood literacy and youth services and provide national and state leadership in the teaching, research, and service missions of the School of Library and Information Science (SLIS). The Chair will be actively involved with the South Carolina Center for Children's Books and Literacy, a SLIS initiative dedicated to research, development, and community involvement to eliminate illiteracy in South Carolina. The Chair will work to bridge the gap between the University and the needs of communities throughout the state.
The required qualifications for this tenure track position include:
* An earned doctorate;
* Achievement commensurate with appointment at the rank of professor is preferred although appointment at the rank of associate professor will be considered;
* A research agenda in childhood literacy and youth services or children's literature;
* A record of publication and successful grant-funded research;
* Excellence in teaching;
* Demonstrated successful projects in community collaboration;
* A history of professional involvement; and
* A commitment to cultural diversity.
The SLIS-MLIS program is fully accredited by the American Library Association (ALA), and its school media preparation program is approved by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). In addition to the MLIS degree, SLIS offers the Ph.D. and two other post-master's degrees. The School also offers an undergraduate degree in information science.
The University of South Carolina is a Carnegie Research I institution and recognizes that the strength and reputation of SLIS are integral to the mission of the University. We are an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer committed to building a culturally diverse faculty, staff, and student body, and are responsive to the needs of dual career couples.
The review of applications and nominations for the position will begin December 10, 2010 and continue until the position is filled. Salary is fully competitive. Applicants should submit electronically a letter of intent (including research and teaching and community involvement interests) and curriculum vitae with the names of three references (in .pdf or .doc format) to:
Dean Tom McNally, Chair
Augusta Baker Endowed Chair in Childhood Literacy Search Committee
School of Library and Information Science
1501 Greene Street, 113 Davis College University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
Phone: (803) 777-3858; FAX: (803) 777-7938
Friday, November 12, 2010
Conference in India: Nov 2010 (with Alida Allison)

International seminar
(Re)reading Classics in Children’s Literature
Nov.19-21, 2010.
Dear delegate/ participant
I hope you are aware of the international seminar being organized by the Department of English, Bharata Mata College, Thrikkakara, Kochi (affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University), in collaboration with the Children’s Literature Association of India (CLAI), on (Re)reading Classics in Children’s Literature from Nov.19-21,2010.
The keynote speakers of the seminar are Professor Alida Allison, Professor of Children’s Literature, San Diego State University, USA and internationally acclaimed writers Ms. Suniti Namjoshi, and Ms.Anushka Ravishankar.
We have applied for UGC sponsorship and anticipate the fund.
The details regarding conference fees and accommodation are as follows:-
Registration Fees : 2000INR - Foreign Delegates
1000INR - Indian Nationals
( inclusive of Lunch & Tea on working days)
Second class sleeper train fare will be provided for Paper Presenters as per
availability of funds.
Accomodation : 2500 INR Single A/C Rooms ( 3 star hotel)
1400INR - Single A/C Rooms (regular hotel)
850INR - Single Non A/C Rooms (regular hotel)
Budget accommodation:
300INR - Single Non A/C Rooms (Bath Attached)
(meals extra)
Kindly let us know your preference of accommodation by reply e-mail at the earliest so that we can reserve the room of your choice.
We are arranging an optional local tour of the heritage sites of Cochin on Nov.21st. The tour details including expenses will be intimated. Do give in your names, if interested.
If you haven’t send your abstract yet, this is to remind you to kindly send your paper proposals (250 words ) to the conference convenor Laly Mathew, Department of English, Bharata Mata College, Thrikkakara, Cochin-682021, Kerala. Or email her at laly.eugene@gmail.com by 30 August 2010. The full text of the paper is to be submitted before 31 October, 2010. Also please send a copy to antoct@yahoo.co.in, or childlitindia@yahoo.co.in .
A brief bio-profile of the keynote Speakers
Prof. Alida Allison
Undergraduate Adviser, Children's Literature Program and National Center for the Study of Children's Literature, Dept. of English and Comparative Literature, San Diego State University, San Diego, California
From My Land to Yours: Chinese Nursery Rhymes, English-language editor
The Grad Student's Guide to Getting Published, Simon and Schuster
Isaac Bashevis Singer: Children's Stories and Childhood Memoirs
Russell Hoban: Forty Years: Essays on His Writing for Children
Suniti Namjoshi, Devon, UK.
Formerly IAS officer in India and former faculty, Dept. of English, University of Toronto, Canada and Exeter University, UK. Has published numerous poems, fables, articles and reviews in anthologies, collections and journals in India, Canada, U.S., Australia and Britain. The Aditi series for children, (8 books published so far)-termed the first truly ‘Indian’ series for children , with Chinese rights sold.Her latest work Building Babel contain an electronic chapter which readers could add to.
(Re)reading Classics in Children’s Literature
Nov.19-21, 2010.
Dear delegate/ participant
I hope you are aware of the international seminar being organized by the Department of English, Bharata Mata College, Thrikkakara, Kochi (affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University), in collaboration with the Children’s Literature Association of India (CLAI), on (Re)reading Classics in Children’s Literature from Nov.19-21,2010.
The keynote speakers of the seminar are Professor Alida Allison, Professor of Children’s Literature, San Diego State University, USA and internationally acclaimed writers Ms. Suniti Namjoshi, and Ms.Anushka Ravishankar.
We have applied for UGC sponsorship and anticipate the fund.
The details regarding conference fees and accommodation are as follows:-
Registration Fees : 2000INR - Foreign Delegates
1000INR - Indian Nationals
( inclusive of Lunch & Tea on working days)
Second class sleeper train fare will be provided for Paper Presenters as per
availability of funds.
Accomodation : 2500 INR Single A/C Rooms ( 3 star hotel)
1400INR - Single A/C Rooms (regular hotel)
850INR - Single Non A/C Rooms (regular hotel)
Budget accommodation:
300INR - Single Non A/C Rooms (Bath Attached)
(meals extra)
Kindly let us know your preference of accommodation by reply e-mail at the earliest so that we can reserve the room of your choice.
We are arranging an optional local tour of the heritage sites of Cochin on Nov.21st. The tour details including expenses will be intimated. Do give in your names, if interested.
If you haven’t send your abstract yet, this is to remind you to kindly send your paper proposals (250 words ) to the conference convenor Laly Mathew, Department of English, Bharata Mata College, Thrikkakara, Cochin-682021, Kerala. Or email her at laly.eugene@gmail.com by 30 August 2010. The full text of the paper is to be submitted before 31 October, 2010. Also please send a copy to antoct@yahoo.co.in, or childlitindia@yahoo.co.in .
A brief bio-profile of the keynote Speakers
Prof. Alida Allison
Undergraduate Adviser, Children's Literature Program and National Center for the Study of Children's Literature, Dept. of English and Comparative Literature, San Diego State University, San Diego, California
From My Land to Yours: Chinese Nursery Rhymes, English-language editor
The Grad Student's Guide to Getting Published, Simon and Schuster
Isaac Bashevis Singer: Children's Stories and Childhood Memoirs
Russell Hoban: Forty Years: Essays on His Writing for Children
Suniti Namjoshi, Devon, UK.
Formerly IAS officer in India and former faculty, Dept. of English, University of Toronto, Canada and Exeter University, UK. Has published numerous poems, fables, articles and reviews in anthologies, collections and journals in India, Canada, U.S., Australia and Britain. The Aditi series for children, (8 books published so far)-termed the first truly ‘Indian’ series for children , with Chinese rights sold.Her latest work Building Babel contain an electronic chapter which readers could add to.
Anushka Ravishankar, India.
The best known among Indian children’s writers in the business. Star of Excellence award from France’s National Union of Culture and Libraries in 1999 for Tiger On A Tree, published in the US, and translated into Japanese, Korean and French, From Alphabets are Amazing Animals to Excuse Me, Is This India, Anushka Ravishankar can be said to have pioneered the Indian English nonsense verse form and brought it to international attention.
The best known among Indian children’s writers in the business. Star of Excellence award from France’s National Union of Culture and Libraries in 1999 for Tiger On A Tree, published in the US, and translated into Japanese, Korean and French, From Alphabets are Amazing Animals to Excuse Me, Is This India, Anushka Ravishankar can be said to have pioneered the Indian English nonsense verse form and brought it to international attention.
Venue: Hotel Park Residency
Friday, 19 November 2010
08.00 a.m. – 09. 30 a.m. : Registration
09.30 a.m. - 10.35 a.m. : Inauguration – Suniti Namjoshi, UK
10. 35 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. Tea / Coffee
11.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. Keynote Address – Prof. Dr. Alida Allison, California.
11.30 a.m. – 01.00 p.m. Concurrent Session I
01.00 p.m. – 02.00 p.m. Lunch
02.00 p.m. – 03.30 p.m. Concurrent Session II
03.30 p.m. – 03.45 p.m. Tea / Coffee
03. 45 p.m. – 04.30 p.m. Concurrent Session III
05.30 p.m. Cultural Evening
Venue: Bharata Mata College Auditorium
05-30- 06.30p.m. ‘Gurupranam’ – Honouring veteran Children’s Writers of the State
‘Prathibhanguram’-Felicitating winners of Inter-School
Story Re-telling competition
06.30p.m. – 07. 45p.m. “ Bommanahalliyile Kinnarayogi”
Drama adaptation of Kovembu’s re-reading of Pied Piper
08.00p.m. Dinner- Garden Party
Saturday, 20 November 2010
Venue: Hotel Park Residency
09.30 a.m. – 10.30 a.m. Concurrent Session IV
10.30 a.m. – 10.45 a.m. Tea / Coffee
10.45 a.m. – 11.15 a.m. Focal Speech - Ms. Swati J. Raje, India.
11.15 a.m. – 12.45 p.m. Concurrent Session V
12.45 p.m. – 01.45 p.m. Lunch
01.45 p.m. – 03.00 p.m. Concurrent Session VI
0300 p.m. – 03.15 p.m. Tea / Coffee
03.15 p.m. – 03.45 p.m. Concurrent Session VII
03.45 p.m. – 04.00 p.m. Interval
04.00 p.m. – 05.30 p.m. Valedictory Meeting
04.00 p.m. – 04.50 p.m. Responding to Keynote Address (Harper Lee Session)
04.50 p.m. – 04.55 p.m. Welcome
04.55 p.m. 05. 25 p.m. Valedictory Speech- Dr. Manika Subi, Canada
05.25 p.m -. 05. 30 p.m. Releasing of Proceedings
05.30p.m.-05. 35 p.m. Vote of Thanks
Saturday, November 6, 2010
CFP: Conference in Australia July 2011 (paper deadline extended)

Please note that we have extended the deadline for abstracts for the IRSCL 2011 Congress to December 1, 2010. We have received many exciting abstracts which is a good indicator that this will be a fantastic conference. Please encourage and support abstracts from postgrad students and colleagues. The call for abstract details are at: http://irscl2011.com/call-for-papers/submission-details/
Children’s literature has always been responsive to the tenor of the times. Texts for children and young adults take up the social, political, and humanistic interests and ideologies of the past and present, as well as speculate about the future. Since the earliest fairy tales, children’s writers have given imaginative interpretation to the darker, riskier side of society, while also offering reassurance, hope, and celebration of the human spirit.
The Congress will address a range of critically important topics, texts, and theories related to the theme of Fear and Safety in Children’s Literature. Confirmed keynote speakers are: Professor Mavis Reimer, Canada Chair in the Culture of Childhood, University of Winnipeg; Professor David Buckingham, Director of the Centre for the Study of Children, Youth and Media, London University (UK); and Professor Gillian Whitlock, University of Queensland (Australia).
Submissions for abstracts open: 19 July 2010.
Closing date: November 1, 2010.
Please visit the Congress website for details: http://irscl2011.com/
Closing date: November 1, 2010.
Please visit the Congress website for details: http://irscl2011.com/
-- Kerry Mallan
Professor School of Cultural and Language Studies in Education,
QUTVictoria Park RoadKelvin Grove Q 4059. Australia
Ph: +61 7 31383463Fax: +61 7 31383988
Conference or Call for Papers
Friday, November 5, 2010
Frances Hodgson Burnett & Princeton Library
The pages of author Frances Hodgson Burnett's manuscript of "Little Lord Fauntleroy" -- separated for nearly a century -- have been reunited in Princeton University's Firestone Library.The full autograph manuscript will be part of an exhibition opening Monday, Nov. 15, in the Main Gallery's 18th-Century Window the library. Titled "Little Lord Fauntleroy Comes to Princeton," the exhibition will include selected items from the Vivian Burnett Collection of Frances Hodgson Burnett, recently acquired with the support of the Friends of the Library.
More at ... http://www.princeton.edu/main/news/archive/S28/88/93C99/index.xml?section=topstories
More at ... http://www.princeton.edu/main/news/archive/S28/88/93C99/index.xml?section=topstories
Job (Wisconsin)
Assistant Professor of English Education
The English Department at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls (UWRF), a member of the University of Wisconsin System, invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor in English Education, Literature, and Composition/Rhetoric. This is a full-time, nine-month, tenure-track position that begins on August 22, 2011. UWRF is part of the Minneapolis-St. Paul statistical area. Please see the University's Web site at http://www.uwrf.edu/hr/employment_opportunities.htm for the complete vacancy notice. AA/EEO.
The English Department at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls (UWRF), a member of the University of Wisconsin System, invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor in English Education, Literature, and Composition/Rhetoric. This is a full-time, nine-month, tenure-track position that begins on August 22, 2011. UWRF is part of the Minneapolis-St. Paul statistical area. Please see the University's Web site at http://www.uwrf.edu/hr/employment_opportunities.htm for the complete vacancy notice. AA/EEO.
Texas Job: Reading & Lang Arts
Reading/English/Language Arts: Texas Christian University is a private, secular institution with a 14:1 student/faculty ratio and a teacher-scholar model that results in close, mentoring relationships. TCU's mission is teaching to change the world. Faculty members in the College of Education (COE) are dedicated to research that informs teaching and classroom practices. The COE is committed to preparing educators to work with diverse children and youth, PreK-12. TCU is recognized as a Program of Distinction by the International Reading Association. The College of Education seeks a tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor in Reading/English Language Arts. This faculty member will teach undergraduate and graduate courses and conduct and publish research in the Reading/English Language Arts field. Additional expectations include collaboration in multidisciplinary program development, advising and mentoring students, writing grant proposals, participating in service activities, and serving on college and university committees. Qualifications: 1. An earned doctorate in Reading/English Language Arts or a closely related field (completion prior to August 2011); 2. A minimum of three years of successful full time teaching experience in public schools; 3. College teaching experience preferred, in such courses as reading methods, children and adolescent literature, content area reading, analysis of literacy problems, and/or reading for English language learners; 4. Commitment to field-based programs serving diverse learners; 5. Scholarly research in the field of Reading/English language Arts, with the potential for national and international leadership. Review of applications will begin immediately, and continue until the position is filled. Interested candidates should send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, college transcripts, a sample publication, and three letters of recommendation listing phone numbers and e-mail addresses to: Ms. Jeannie Bosillo, Assistant to the Dean; TCU Box 297900; Fort Worth, Texas 76129; fax: 817-257-5525; e-mail: j.bosillo@tcu.edu. TCU is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer and is strongly committed to diversity in the academic community.
Monday, November 1, 2010
New Book on Picture Books

Dear colleagues,
may I draw your attention to a new book on children`s literature and philosophy for children by Eva Zoller Morf, an expert on philosophy for children in Switzerland: "Selber denken macht schlau. Grosse Fragen für kleine Philosophen und Philosophinnen" (Think yourself and get clever. Big questions for small philosophers) in Zytglogge Verlag Zurich 2010, ISBN 978-3-7296-0808-5.
She uses picture books as a basis to philosophical discussions with children from 3 to 13 years on questions like "Where was I before I was born, what happens when I`m dead, why am I alive etc." and documents her work. Her documentation of children`s reactions to picture books is impressive (Eva Zoller Morf`s website is http://www.kinderphilosophie.ch/ with links to English websites on similar subjects).
Ms Zoller Morf`s previous books on philosophy for children using picture books have already been translated into Polish, Estonian, Czech and Korean, maybe someone would be interested in translating her new book into English or French..
Best regards
Evamaria Zettl
Neu: WEB.DE De-Mail - Einfach wie E-Mail, sicher wie ein Brief!
Jetzt De-Mail-Adresse reservieren: https://produkte.web.de/go/demail02
may I draw your attention to a new book on children`s literature and philosophy for children by Eva Zoller Morf, an expert on philosophy for children in Switzerland: "Selber denken macht schlau. Grosse Fragen für kleine Philosophen und Philosophinnen" (Think yourself and get clever. Big questions for small philosophers) in Zytglogge Verlag Zurich 2010, ISBN 978-3-7296-0808-5.
She uses picture books as a basis to philosophical discussions with children from 3 to 13 years on questions like "Where was I before I was born, what happens when I`m dead, why am I alive etc." and documents her work. Her documentation of children`s reactions to picture books is impressive (Eva Zoller Morf`s website is http://www.kinderphilosophie.ch/ with links to English websites on similar subjects).
Ms Zoller Morf`s previous books on philosophy for children using picture books have already been translated into Polish, Estonian, Czech and Korean, maybe someone would be interested in translating her new book into English or French..
Best regards
Evamaria Zettl
Neu: WEB.DE De-Mail - Einfach wie E-Mail, sicher wie ein Brief!
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CFP Tunisia Conference (Apr 2011)

University of Jendouba (Tunisia)
Higher Institute for Human Sciences
Department of English
Call for Papers
Rewriting, Again
April, 13-14 2011
The topic of our international conference this year is REWRITING, which was the focus of our last year’s study day. Owing to the success of the study day, there has been a common agreement among all colleagues and the study day participants that a one-day study day is not enough to cover this multifaceted topic which has innumerable ramifications and touches on all forms of discourse production/interpretation and concerns all disciplines ranging from Cultural Studies, Translation Studies, Literary Theory, History of Ideas, Discourse studies…
To rewrite is to write again, to act on a written record from a different sensibility, ideology and perspective. Along with the general democratisation process that characterises most societies today helped by Globalisation and the revolution it brought about in ICTs, the voices which have been up to now silenced are making themselves heard. History and knowledge are no longer the monopoly of one group, and a whole corpus of established canonical textual institutions is being challenged. André Lefevere rightfully states that "[a]ll rewritings, whatever their intention, reflect a certain ideology and a poetics" (Lefevere 1992b: vii). This rewriting is necessarily manipulative of the already written discourse to "function in a given society in a given way" (ibid.). Whether deliberately or inadvertently, a text is the result of self-rewriting, or a rewriting of another text, through inter-textual affiliation, or through premeditated attempts at reshaping existing sources. It follows that more and more artistic, literary and ideological trends have undertaken rewriting with a more conscious and serious attitude, as a way to rectify, alter or even contest the canonical authority of tradition.
The construct of rewriting has also gained ground with the common agreement among all literary approaches today that the role of the reader in constructing meaning is central. We moved from a situation where the reader's responsibility lies at best in exploring authorial intention, to a situation where the reader is an inevitable partner of the author in constructing meaning, and finally to a situation where the author is denied any authority over meaning before reading takes place.
Starting from these assumptions, our conference welcomes scholars and writers who wish to contribute papers that embark on the following issues:
Rewriting and Inter-textual connections.
Rewriting, political reform and/or political repression.
Rewriting history.
Rewriting and correction.
Tradition, authority, and rewriting.
The reader/reader response and rewriting.
Rewriting and empowering.
Post-structuralism and re-writing
Discourse studies and rewriting.
Linguistics and rewriting
Rewriting, translation and translation theories.
Rewriting and religious authority.
Rewriting in feminist tradition.
Creative writing and rewriting.
Rewriting and postcolonial theory
Rewriting and religious revisionism
Please e-mail your 300-word abstract before the February 28, 2011 to:
N. B. The organisers offer accommodation to all participants except those who live in Jendouba in a lovely hotel in the forest of Ain Draham.
Higher Institute for Human Sciences
Department of English
Call for Papers
Rewriting, Again
April, 13-14 2011
The topic of our international conference this year is REWRITING, which was the focus of our last year’s study day. Owing to the success of the study day, there has been a common agreement among all colleagues and the study day participants that a one-day study day is not enough to cover this multifaceted topic which has innumerable ramifications and touches on all forms of discourse production/interpretation and concerns all disciplines ranging from Cultural Studies, Translation Studies, Literary Theory, History of Ideas, Discourse studies…
To rewrite is to write again, to act on a written record from a different sensibility, ideology and perspective. Along with the general democratisation process that characterises most societies today helped by Globalisation and the revolution it brought about in ICTs, the voices which have been up to now silenced are making themselves heard. History and knowledge are no longer the monopoly of one group, and a whole corpus of established canonical textual institutions is being challenged. André Lefevere rightfully states that "[a]ll rewritings, whatever their intention, reflect a certain ideology and a poetics" (Lefevere 1992b: vii). This rewriting is necessarily manipulative of the already written discourse to "function in a given society in a given way" (ibid.). Whether deliberately or inadvertently, a text is the result of self-rewriting, or a rewriting of another text, through inter-textual affiliation, or through premeditated attempts at reshaping existing sources. It follows that more and more artistic, literary and ideological trends have undertaken rewriting with a more conscious and serious attitude, as a way to rectify, alter or even contest the canonical authority of tradition.
The construct of rewriting has also gained ground with the common agreement among all literary approaches today that the role of the reader in constructing meaning is central. We moved from a situation where the reader's responsibility lies at best in exploring authorial intention, to a situation where the reader is an inevitable partner of the author in constructing meaning, and finally to a situation where the author is denied any authority over meaning before reading takes place.
Starting from these assumptions, our conference welcomes scholars and writers who wish to contribute papers that embark on the following issues:
Rewriting and Inter-textual connections.
Rewriting, political reform and/or political repression.
Rewriting history.
Rewriting and correction.
Tradition, authority, and rewriting.
The reader/reader response and rewriting.
Rewriting and empowering.
Post-structuralism and re-writing
Discourse studies and rewriting.
Linguistics and rewriting
Rewriting, translation and translation theories.
Rewriting and religious authority.
Rewriting in feminist tradition.
Creative writing and rewriting.
Rewriting and postcolonial theory
Rewriting and religious revisionism
Please e-mail your 300-word abstract before the February 28, 2011 to:
N. B. The organisers offer accommodation to all participants except those who live in Jendouba in a lovely hotel in the forest of Ain Draham.
Conference or Call for Papers

New issue of Barnboken – Journal of Children’s Literature research
The theme of the current issue is nature in children’s and young peoples literature.
All articles are available at www.sbi.kb.se/barnboken and in print.
Inledning/Preface av Janina Orlov, PhD (SWE)
Väderkontraktet: plats, miljörättvisa och eskatologi i Astrid Lindgrens Vi på Saltkråkan [The weather contract: place, environmental justice and escathology in Astrid Lindgrens Vi på Saltkråkan (Seacrow Island)]
Pia Maria Ahlbäck (SWE)
“The pale trees shook, although no wind blew, and it seemed to Tristran that they shook in anger”: “blind space” and ecofeminism in a post-colonial reading of Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess’s graphic novel Stardust (1998)
Alice Curry (ENG)
Confronting ecological futures: global environmental crises in contemporary survival quests for young adults
Yvonne Hammer (ENG)
Frigjord oskuld: heterosexuellt mognadsimperativ i svensk ungdomsroman / Mia Franck
Recensent: Kristina Fjelkestam (SWE)
Inga gåbortsföremål: lekfull litteratur och vidgad kulturdebatt i 1960- och 70-talens Sverige / Lena Kåreland
Recensent: Sara Kärrholm (SWE)
Forthcoming 2011
The first issue of Barnboken 2011 will be a conference issue containing 15-20 papers presented at the Nordic Research Conference held in Stockholm at the Swedish Institute for Children’s Books in April 2010. The title of this special issue will be Aktuell nordisk barnlitteraturforskning (Current Nordic children's literature research). It is being prepared in cooperation with the Institutes for Children’s Books in all the Nordic countries and will be published in February.
Information, questions, orders please contact
Lillemor Torstensson
Lillemor TorstenssonInformation Officer, Editor
The Swedish Institute for Children's Books, Odengatan 61, SE-113 22 Stockholm tel +46 8-54 54 20 51,mobile +46 704 80 49 94, lillemor.torstensson@sbi.kb.se
http://www.sbi.kb.se/Give environment a thought before printing this e-mail
The theme of the current issue is nature in children’s and young peoples literature.
All articles are available at www.sbi.kb.se/barnboken and in print.
Inledning/Preface av Janina Orlov, PhD (SWE)
Väderkontraktet: plats, miljörättvisa och eskatologi i Astrid Lindgrens Vi på Saltkråkan [The weather contract: place, environmental justice and escathology in Astrid Lindgrens Vi på Saltkråkan (Seacrow Island)]
Pia Maria Ahlbäck (SWE)
“The pale trees shook, although no wind blew, and it seemed to Tristran that they shook in anger”: “blind space” and ecofeminism in a post-colonial reading of Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess’s graphic novel Stardust (1998)
Alice Curry (ENG)
Confronting ecological futures: global environmental crises in contemporary survival quests for young adults
Yvonne Hammer (ENG)
Frigjord oskuld: heterosexuellt mognadsimperativ i svensk ungdomsroman / Mia Franck
Recensent: Kristina Fjelkestam (SWE)
Inga gåbortsföremål: lekfull litteratur och vidgad kulturdebatt i 1960- och 70-talens Sverige / Lena Kåreland
Recensent: Sara Kärrholm (SWE)
Forthcoming 2011
The first issue of Barnboken 2011 will be a conference issue containing 15-20 papers presented at the Nordic Research Conference held in Stockholm at the Swedish Institute for Children’s Books in April 2010. The title of this special issue will be Aktuell nordisk barnlitteraturforskning (Current Nordic children's literature research). It is being prepared in cooperation with the Institutes for Children’s Books in all the Nordic countries and will be published in February.
Information, questions, orders please contact
Lillemor Torstensson
Lillemor TorstenssonInformation Officer, Editor
The Swedish Institute for Children's Books, Odengatan 61, SE-113 22 Stockholm tel +46 8-54 54 20 51,mobile +46 704 80 49 94, lillemor.torstensson@sbi.kb.se
http://www.sbi.kb.se/Give environment a thought before printing this e-mail
CFP: Virginia ChLA June 2011
ChLA Diversity Committee - call for panel proposals for ChLA 2011 (Roanoke, VA - June 23-25, 2011)
Resisting “Americanization” in Literature for Young People
In the past, children’s and young adult narratives have focused on the assimilation of marginalized populations into U.S. culture, often through a character’s attempts to take on aspects of identity traditionally privileged by members of the dominant culture. In recent years, this “melting pot” mentality has been interrogated by authors, and current narratives frequently depict characters who resist or complicate this process of “Americanization,” choosing instead to retain their cultural and self-identities.
This year, the Diversity Committee seeks paper proposals on the topic of resisting “Americanization.” Papers might examine how authors complicate discourse about what it means to be(come) “American” or consider how narratives resist or reinscribe traditional conceptions of “Americanization.” Essays could address issues of language, naming, and traditions, or explore how sexual identity, gender, class, religion, or family structure factor into representations of what it means and looks like to be considered “American.”
Contact co-chairs Thomas Crisp (tcrisp@sar.usf.edu) or Sarah Park (spark@stkate.edu), with questions. Email a 500-word abstract and a 2-page CV only to spark@stkate.edu by December 15, 2010. Please label your abstract in the titles of attached documents, and include contact information (email and phone number).
Resisting “Americanization” in Literature for Young People
In the past, children’s and young adult narratives have focused on the assimilation of marginalized populations into U.S. culture, often through a character’s attempts to take on aspects of identity traditionally privileged by members of the dominant culture. In recent years, this “melting pot” mentality has been interrogated by authors, and current narratives frequently depict characters who resist or complicate this process of “Americanization,” choosing instead to retain their cultural and self-identities.
This year, the Diversity Committee seeks paper proposals on the topic of resisting “Americanization.” Papers might examine how authors complicate discourse about what it means to be(come) “American” or consider how narratives resist or reinscribe traditional conceptions of “Americanization.” Essays could address issues of language, naming, and traditions, or explore how sexual identity, gender, class, religion, or family structure factor into representations of what it means and looks like to be considered “American.”
Contact co-chairs Thomas Crisp (tcrisp@sar.usf.edu) or Sarah Park (spark@stkate.edu), with questions. Email a 500-word abstract and a 2-page CV only to spark@stkate.edu by December 15, 2010. Please label your abstract in the titles of attached documents, and include contact information (email and phone number).
Conference or Call for Papers
Job (Virginia)

Assistant Professor of Interdisciplinary and Integrative Studies With a Focus on Childhood and Youth (Tenure-Track)
George Mason University
October 28, 2010
Application Deadline:
December 1, 2010
Employment Level:
Full Time
$51,000 to $55,000 USD
George Mason UniversityAssistant Professor of Interdisciplinary and Integrative Studies With a Focus on Childhood and Youth (Tenure-Track)The George Mason University, New Century College (NCC) on the Fairfax campus is accepting applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position beginning August 2011.The successful candidate will be responsible for teaching undergraduate courses related to theory and practice in the area of childhood and youth studies using an integrative/interdisciplinary approach; and for teaching in Cornerstones, NCC's First-Year Program.This position is part of a larger, collaborative teaching and learning environment with pedagogies that support an integrative studies curriculum and degree program.Competitive candidates for this position should be able to do the following:- Engage students in educational experiences related to the study of children and youth;- Design and teach courses that foster innovative teaching and learning in elementary and secondary environments;- Build programs that encourage student involvement in schools and other community-centered programs;- Incorporate experiential learning and field experiences into courses (e.g., service-learning, internships and study abroad); and- Develop and teach courses that contribute to NCC's education concentrations and minor in childhood studies.Salary Range:$51,000-$55,000, with the possibility of summer teaching opportunities.Qualifications:An earned terminal degree in a social science or education-related discipline, or other relevant area is required; as is evidence of undergraduate teaching experience. In addition, the ideal candidate will adhere to a scholar-practitioner model, demonstrating understanding of children and youth in various contexts. We are especially interested in candidates who have experience working in schools, community agencies and/or other youth-centered organizations. Competitive candidates should also have a strong research agenda and be able to demonstrate interest in the scholarship of teaching and learning principles in the classroom. Those who have secured external funding for research/program development and who maintain an active research agenda will be highly considered.Application:For full consideration, apply for position number F7384z at http://jobs.gmu.edu/; complete the faculty application; and upload a cover letter, a curriculum vitae and a teaching philosophy statement. Please mail a statement of research goals, a transcript and three letters of reference to: Sue Woodfine, Childhood and Youth Studies Search Committee, New Century College, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, MSN 5D3, Fairfax, VA 22030. Application deadline is December 1, 2010.New Century College is a nationally prominent division of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Information about the college can be found at ncc.gmu.edu/. George Mason University is an innovative, entrepreneurial institution with national distinction in a range of academic fields including interdisciplinary research and education. Enrollment is 32,000, with students studying in over 150 degree programs. George Mason University is an equal opportunity employer. Candidates with diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply.
George Mason University
October 28, 2010
Application Deadline:
December 1, 2010
Employment Level:
Full Time
$51,000 to $55,000 USD
George Mason UniversityAssistant Professor of Interdisciplinary and Integrative Studies With a Focus on Childhood and Youth (Tenure-Track)The George Mason University, New Century College (NCC) on the Fairfax campus is accepting applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position beginning August 2011.The successful candidate will be responsible for teaching undergraduate courses related to theory and practice in the area of childhood and youth studies using an integrative/interdisciplinary approach; and for teaching in Cornerstones, NCC's First-Year Program.This position is part of a larger, collaborative teaching and learning environment with pedagogies that support an integrative studies curriculum and degree program.Competitive candidates for this position should be able to do the following:- Engage students in educational experiences related to the study of children and youth;- Design and teach courses that foster innovative teaching and learning in elementary and secondary environments;- Build programs that encourage student involvement in schools and other community-centered programs;- Incorporate experiential learning and field experiences into courses (e.g., service-learning, internships and study abroad); and- Develop and teach courses that contribute to NCC's education concentrations and minor in childhood studies.Salary Range:$51,000-$55,000, with the possibility of summer teaching opportunities.Qualifications:An earned terminal degree in a social science or education-related discipline, or other relevant area is required; as is evidence of undergraduate teaching experience. In addition, the ideal candidate will adhere to a scholar-practitioner model, demonstrating understanding of children and youth in various contexts. We are especially interested in candidates who have experience working in schools, community agencies and/or other youth-centered organizations. Competitive candidates should also have a strong research agenda and be able to demonstrate interest in the scholarship of teaching and learning principles in the classroom. Those who have secured external funding for research/program development and who maintain an active research agenda will be highly considered.Application:For full consideration, apply for position number F7384z at http://jobs.gmu.edu/; complete the faculty application; and upload a cover letter, a curriculum vitae and a teaching philosophy statement. Please mail a statement of research goals, a transcript and three letters of reference to: Sue Woodfine, Childhood and Youth Studies Search Committee, New Century College, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, MSN 5D3, Fairfax, VA 22030. Application deadline is December 1, 2010.New Century College is a nationally prominent division of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Information about the college can be found at ncc.gmu.edu/. George Mason University is an innovative, entrepreneurial institution with national distinction in a range of academic fields including interdisciplinary research and education. Enrollment is 32,000, with students studying in over 150 degree programs. George Mason University is an equal opportunity employer. Candidates with diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply.
Julia Alvarez to speak
³An Afternoon with JULIA ALVAREZ²
NOVEMBER 15, Casa Real, San Diego State University, 1-3 p.m.
Please join us at the SDSU appearance of renowned novelist and poet Julia Alvarez. Please post the attached flyer, and consider bringing your students to the event or giving extra credit for attendance.
³An Afternoon with Julia Alvarez² will take place at San Diego State University on November 15th from 1:00-3:00 p.m. at Casa Real
as part of the Department of Women¹s Studies Feminist Colloquium Series:
³Women¹s Transnational Networks: Activism in the Global Arena.²
³An Afternoon with JULIA ALVAREZ²
NOVEMBER 15, Casa Real, San Diego State University, 1-3 p.m.
Please join us at the SDSU appearance of renowned novelist and poet Julia Alvarez. Please post the attached flyer, and consider bringing your students to the event or giving extra credit for attendance.
³An Afternoon with Julia Alvarez² will take place at San Diego State University on November 15th from 1:00-3:00 p.m. at Casa Real
as part of the Department of Women¹s Studies Feminist Colloquium Series:
³Women¹s Transnational Networks: Activism in the Global Arena.²
CFP: Florida Spring 2011
I wanted to pass along this Call for Papers for the fifth annual Children's Literature Symposium at the University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee on February 5, 2011. Additional information, the CFP, and proposal submission system can be accessed at http://www.childrensliteraturesymposium.org/. Please contact info@childrensliteraturesymposium.org with questions. I apologize for any crossposting.
Thank you!
Thomas Crisp
Assistant Professor
Childhood Education and Literacy Studies
The University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee
8350 N. Tamiami Trail, B322
Sarasota, Florida 34243
Children's Literature Symposium:
Critical Perspectives on Children's and Young Adult Literature
CALL FOR PAPERS: "Images and Illustrations in Children's and Young Adult Literature"
February 5, 2010
The University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee
Each year, the University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee organizes a symposium centered on issues related to children's and adolescent literature. The overarching goal of these symposia is to critically explore the genres of children’s and young adult literature through scholarship, research, and criticism. The Children's Literature Symposium (CLS) provides a program through which participants engage in critical and theoretical perspectives on children's and young adult literature through presentations which address contemporary issues and trends that affect children's and young adult literature, media, and culture. With a primary audience of professionals in English, education, library/media science, as well as community members and others with an interest in this body of literature, the CLS aims to engage participants in scholarly discussions about children’s and young adult literature.
This year, the symposium is inviting proposals from scholars, critics, researchers, librarians, children's book authors and illustrators, and graduate students for presentations that address shifts and developments in images and illustrations in children's and young adult literature. Through this symposium, we seek to enrich understandings of the history and contemporary trends impacting the role of image and illustration in children’s texts.
We invite abstracts (of approximately 250-500 words) for individual paper presentations or virtual papers treating critical concerns in children’s and young adult literature. While all proposals will be considered, preference will be given to those which focus on most clearly on the conference theme.
Accepted papers will be considered for publication in the first volume of an edited book of proceedings of the Children's Literature Symposium.
Proposals must be submitted electronically to the symposium website, http://www.childrensliteraturesymposium.org/ on or before December 15, 2010. Proposals will undergo a process of blind review and presenters will be notified of the results on or before December 31, 2010. Receipt of proposals will be confirmed via email immediately upon submission.
Thank you!
Thomas Crisp
Assistant Professor
Childhood Education and Literacy Studies
The University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee
8350 N. Tamiami Trail, B322
Sarasota, Florida 34243
Children's Literature Symposium:
Critical Perspectives on Children's and Young Adult Literature
CALL FOR PAPERS: "Images and Illustrations in Children's and Young Adult Literature"
February 5, 2010
The University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee
Each year, the University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee organizes a symposium centered on issues related to children's and adolescent literature. The overarching goal of these symposia is to critically explore the genres of children’s and young adult literature through scholarship, research, and criticism. The Children's Literature Symposium (CLS) provides a program through which participants engage in critical and theoretical perspectives on children's and young adult literature through presentations which address contemporary issues and trends that affect children's and young adult literature, media, and culture. With a primary audience of professionals in English, education, library/media science, as well as community members and others with an interest in this body of literature, the CLS aims to engage participants in scholarly discussions about children’s and young adult literature.
This year, the symposium is inviting proposals from scholars, critics, researchers, librarians, children's book authors and illustrators, and graduate students for presentations that address shifts and developments in images and illustrations in children's and young adult literature. Through this symposium, we seek to enrich understandings of the history and contemporary trends impacting the role of image and illustration in children’s texts.
We invite abstracts (of approximately 250-500 words) for individual paper presentations or virtual papers treating critical concerns in children’s and young adult literature. While all proposals will be considered, preference will be given to those which focus on most clearly on the conference theme.
Accepted papers will be considered for publication in the first volume of an edited book of proceedings of the Children's Literature Symposium.
Proposals must be submitted electronically to the symposium website, http://www.childrensliteraturesymposium.org/ on or before December 15, 2010. Proposals will undergo a process of blind review and presenters will be notified of the results on or before December 31, 2010. Receipt of proposals will be confirmed via email immediately upon submission.
Conference or Call for Papers
Foreign Guests for Holidays
I just got this notice about a new program SDSU's American Language Institute (ALI) is starting, "Home for the Holidays."I thought our ChLit blog readers/English Dept. folks might be interested in hearing about the opportunity to do something nice for some of SDSU's international students who have come to SDSU to learn/improve their English. There are many students who will be away from home over the holidays with no where to go, who would love to share a day with a local family to experience American traditions and culture. June ~ I spoke to Kim in ALI, and they would also be interested in hearing from those who might be willing to host students for a day during Hanukkah. I wondered if you might consider mentioning this opportunity in your Jewish American Lit. class? Here's a great opportunity for Children's Lit. devotees (and anyone else) to invite SDSU's ALI students home to share in American cultural traditions.What's the connection to ChLit, you may wonder? Consider how Harry Potter felt when the other Hogwarts students left him behind over the holidays in the earlier books, and how happy he was when he was invited to stay with the Weasley's to join in their family's celebrations. See below/attached for details.Best,Emily Moore
Students studying at ALI often have nowhere to go and no one
to spend the day with on holidays. This year, you can make a
difference! Invite an international student into your home for a
day of celebration on Thanksgiving, and/or Christmas.
Students will have the opportunity to meet an American family
and see how we celebrate a traditional holiday. Sharing your
holiday with a student enriches his/her life and yours! Learn
about another culture, and make new friends from around the
If you’re interested in the Home for the Holidays program and
would like to participate, please contact Kim at 619-594-1967
or email to kjacobus@mail.sdsu.edu.
What’s involved:
• Contact ALI with your information
• Name
• Address
• Contact information
• Number of students you’re able to host
• ALI will match you up with a student(s)
• Contact the student(s) directly
• Invite one or more international students to your home for the day
on Thanksgiving and/or Christmas
• Pick the student up at their current residence and drop them back off
at the end of the day (if desired, some students may have their own
• Make a friend for life!
Students studying at ALI often have nowhere to go and no one
to spend the day with on holidays. This year, you can make a
difference! Invite an international student into your home for a
day of celebration on Thanksgiving, and/or Christmas.
Students will have the opportunity to meet an American family
and see how we celebrate a traditional holiday. Sharing your
holiday with a student enriches his/her life and yours! Learn
about another culture, and make new friends from around the
If you’re interested in the Home for the Holidays program and
would like to participate, please contact Kim at 619-594-1967
or email to kjacobus@mail.sdsu.edu.
What’s involved:
• Contact ALI with your information
• Name
• Address
• Contact information
• Number of students you’re able to host
• ALI will match you up with a student(s)
• Contact the student(s) directly
• Invite one or more international students to your home for the day
on Thanksgiving and/or Christmas
• Pick the student up at their current residence and drop them back off
at the end of the day (if desired, some students may have their own
• Make a friend for life!
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